Chapter 9

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"Whitcomb's?" I whispered, "No, no, that can't be right. I'm not ill."
The girl - Amelia - just looked down sadly while I take a moment to gather myself.
      I can feel myself hyperventilating, my breaths coming quick and uneven. My heart pounds, and I can hear the blood rushing in my ears making me dizzy.
      I look back up at Amelia and am stunned by her similarity to Elsie.
      Elsie, I think as my stomach lurches and another wave of dizziness passes over me.
      I have no idea if she knows what happened to me. Will she wake up and discover me missing? Will my father act worried, or confess to what Richard has done? Confess to what they've both done, I think to myself. He played a part in my coming here as much as Richard.
      That still doesn't answer the question of why I'm here.
      I said no to Richard's proposal, but surely that isn't enough to warrant my coming here. I knew I upset him, but I never thought him capable of this reaction.
      As my thoughts are racing, I notice Amelia moving in my peripheral. She stands up, and the covers shift off of her to reveal a round stomach.
      There's no way, I think to myself, looking at this girl - my roommate.
      She's pregnant. And she's in a psychiatric hospital as well.
      She doesn't seem bothered by her lodgings as I am, but I have no idea how long she has been here either.
      "It's alright," she said soothingly, "I understand."
      And for some reason, I believed her. She looked as though she really did get it.
      "What's your name?" she asked.
      "Vi-Vivianna," I responded with a stammer.
      Her blue eyes squinted as she smiled softly, rubbing her belly.
      "Vivianna, I like that name."
      I gave her a small smile of my own, and began looking around the room with a new purpose.
      "How do I get out of here, Amelia? The door's locked, but I need to go. I think there's been some sort of mistake," I admitted, shaking the door handle while I spoke.
      "The doors are always locked while we sleep, it should be almost time for them to retrieve us for breakfast," Amelia replied.
      "Them? Who's th-," but I was interrupted by the sound of a lock turning.
I stumbled back just in time for the door to open, and a man to walk in.

Sorry it isn't much! I'm writing these chapters during my breaks at work. I plan to add more when I get back to my dorm. I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Please feel free to comment, ask questions, or give suggestions at any point in the story. Thank you again for continuing to read! ❤️

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