New School

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My golden hair bounces whilst I walk through the school of mortals, my mouth raising at its sides at the thought of making friends with people who didn't treat me like a princess

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My golden hair bounces whilst I walk through the school of mortals, my mouth raising at its sides at the thought of making friends with people who didn't treat me like a princess. My brother Thor had one of our human friends get me into a house. I couldn't be any happier with living in a small place which wasn't filled with millions of servants and I like simplicity. I have always wanted a normal life, throughout my 1700 years of living. I'm nothing like my brave and mischievous brothers because I'm slightly more with the modern times, however we do have something in common we are all Gods with magical gifts.

I search for my locker which I had never known existed a few weeks ago. I smile as I finally find it and carry my books towards it. I try to twist the code thingy and start to trouble. I slowly lift my fingers letting the red,green,blue,yellow,orange and purple magic fly out of my finger tips and watch the knob of the locker twist. I let out a small squeal of happiness and put my books in my locker.

As I search the halls for what I think is the English room I feels a sudden burst of energy course through my veins, however it wasn't power it felt like fear. You see my brother Loki says that I'm like Mother Nature which I would usually laugh at him for because he's the one who can shape shift into anyone he wants. He had a point about the name though. The gods had granted me with the greatest of gifts in my eyes, the control of anything that's classed as nature. So it could range from controlling animals to controlling the elements; I could even control the weather if I tried hard enough even through Thor got upset about it because he thought it was "his thing". I smile at the thought of the two people I loved most in the world, the only ones I could put all my trust in. The fear that made my heart ached was dull but it lingered there. Maybe a storm was coming? I keep walking down the halls completely confused I mean I'm a god wtf! I walk into a class to see many people sat in their seats and they all suddenly stare at me. A blush raises on my cheeks whilst I give a confident smile, ever though I'm dying on the inside from the embarrassment.

"Hi can I help you?" The teacher says giving me a genuine smile which I quickly return. Kindness is key when you want to succeed in life.

"Hi I'm new and please tell me this is English," I say with a little laugh in my voice, my strong Asguardian accent lacing in with each word. My sapphire eyes scatter the room until they meet with some hazelnut coloured ones. My breath hitches I mean I have seen may good looking men in my time but this boy is hot.

"Yes it is and don't worry we were just about to get started. Why don't you tell us your name and something about yourself," she says eyeing up my god like features. My hair was a silk gold blonde with many curls bouncing on them. My eyelashes are long and thick and they hid my sapphire blue eyes. My features are sharp, lips being rosy and plump. Us gods were created to be perfect however I always hated that image of perfection because it was like I had to reach them expectations or my existence was meaningless.I turn to the class and let out one of my award winning styles which only had the cute freckled scattered boy smiling back.

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