Strange Motels

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Stiles and I carry Scott off the bus carefully knowing that if we make any quick moves it would cause him pain. Allison quickly runs over to us and takes my place whilst I try and help the pain. One they get to the bathroom we quickly sit hun down and Allison lift his shirt. My hand quickly goes to my mouth as I drop down beside her and place my shaking hand on his wound. The others stand up behind me.

"Scott, he buddy. We're nearly done just hold on a little longer, yeah? Please?" I whisper. He nods his head slowly and places his hand on my glowing one. My gold eyes watch as his start to become heavy. I immediately start to make the most amount of power leave my hand but Stiles places a hand on my shoulder and drag me away from him whilst Allison sit down. I turn to him in confusion as he drags me outside.

"Stiles what are you doing?!" I ask in panic but he just grabs my face and makes me look at him. I feel useless and exhausted, I have never felt this way before.

"Allison is going to stitch him up to make him think that he's healing and trick him into actually doing it." Stiles says searching my panicked eyes, I just sigh and put my hand on his. His eyes furrow at my defeated face.

"H-hey what wrong?" He asks which I just reply flicking my hand and shaking my head with a fake smile.

"It's nothing, I'm just tired." I say which doesn't make his expression change. He just stares at me with a face. I just give him another smile and take his hands off my face so I could kiss his cheek.

"I'm going to see if they need help," I whisper before walking back into the bathroom. Allison is currently stitching Scott up and once she is done I let water go from my hands and clean the blood off of his wound. Allison quickly stands up and wraps me in a hug whilst crying into my shoulder.

"It's ok Allie,he's ok. You saved him." I say letting her cry into my shoulder. My eyes start become heavy as I feel something course through my veins. However I just close my eyes shut and try to ignore it as me and Allison pull away. She gives me a smile which I return. Allison and I pick Scott up and bring him out of the bathroom.

"Is he ok?!" Lydia shouts running towards us and checks up on Scott.

"Stiles. Where's Stiles?" Scott asks looking around for his sarcastic best friend. I smile to myself at their friendship.

"He's trying to stall coach. We've run out of gas." Lydia says staring at Allison. Allison who's to busy dragging Scott.

"I'm not leaving him," Allison states looking at him. Aweeee

"Then we'll have to leave the car." Lydia says stopping in her tracks. I turn my head back to her.

"Then you guys can come on the bus with us," I shout whilst we drag Scott towards the bus. We hear Allison shout from behind us but we just ignore her, knowing that we would come back for the car later on.

We meet up with Stiles who's surrounded by a large group of cheering people. I grab Stiles's hand and he turns around to see us all.

"Stiles what happening?" Scott asks whilst looking back from the crowd. Stiles moves closer to him.

"I told Issac and Boyd about everything and he just went after him." Stiles says when we all run to the fight and see Issac beating away at Ethan. I step forward to help but Stiles holds me back. He leans down to my ear.

"People will see Jas." I just nod my head and step back so I'm against his chest. We both watch Scott shout and Issac seemed to obey to his order. My eyebrow furrows at the act but I look down at Ethan to see him on the floor and completely battered. Coach ushers us all onto the bus and I quickly sit down near the back. I close my eyes and drop my head feeling slightly faint but someone's presence beside me makes me open my eyes. I open them to see Stiles who's staring at me in pity.

"Are you ok there Sti? Cause your looking at me like I'm a beaten puppy." I giggle whilst placing my head on his shoulder and my legs over his. He just sighs and wraps an arm around me, placing his head on mine. I start to fall asleep on his shoulder only hearing a small mumble and feeling his hand in mine.

—time skip—
I feel someone shake my shoulder and push away the hair from my face as my eyes flutter open.

"Hey, we're here," Stiles says ehilsy grabbing my hand and helping me up. He wraps an arm around me as we leave the horrible bus. A smile fills my face when I breath in the fresh air. I look up at the sky to see it's already dark but my smile fades as I see the building we're staying in.

"I have seen worse." Scott states making me laugh a little. Which makes him turn around to look at me with amusement in his eyes. I stop smiling.

"Oh your not joking?"

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles says to his best friend. I look up at him and give him a little grin which he returns. He's so hot.We all hear a whistle and turn to coach who looks fed up with life. He looks at all and sighs before he starts his small speech.

"Listen up the meets been pushed until tomorrow. This is the only motel with the most vacancies and good judgment to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. So pair up and chose wisely." He says holding out some keys and we watch as a load of students take some.
Lydia quickly grabs my hand and drags me away from Stiles and towards her and Allison.

"We my lovelies are having a girls night!" Lydia say looking over at Stiles who has a pout on his face. I look over my shoulder with a small smile and give him a wave. He waves back at me before the two boys leave. I turn back to Allison and Lydia as we start to look for our room.

"Hey Allie what does it me-" I begin but stop when I feel an absence. We both turn around and see Lydia stood in the middle of the parking lot.
"What wrong Lyds?" I ask walking back to her and grabbing her hand.

"I don't like this place." She says which makes Allison laugh.

"I don't think the owners like this place and it's just for a night." Allie says before she starts to walk off. I look back at Lydia with worry in my eyes.

"A lot can happen in one night." She whispers. Maybe this is why I've been so on edge.

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