Asylums + Love

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I stare at the tall,dark gates of the mental asylum and feel Stiles's grasp harder into mine

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I stare at the tall,dark gates of the mental asylum and feel Stiles's grasp harder into mine. I have seen a lot of crazy in my life and this will be easy peasy as long I and Stiles can't get out. These next 74 hours are going to be tough but if it means we don't hurt anyone else then it's worth the risk and our freedom. We watch as Scott come up on his motorbike and runs towards us wrapping me and Stiles in a tight hug. He leans back and shakes his head at us.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He says to us while looking between the couple and the Sheriff.

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this." Stiles's dad states while staring at the werewolf.

"It's only 72 hours." Stiles jumps in.

"This is the same place where Barrow comes from, the guy who had a tumour inside of him filled with flies." Scott argues while looking at me but I can't even look at his face without feeling guilty. The feeling in my gut reminds me of why we're doing this.

"I know that Scott but I also know that we nearly killed you last night," I sigh while running my free hand through my hair before letting out a large grunt. They have never seen me like this before, usually I put on my front of positivity and smiles. What do they expect? Stiles brings me into his arms and kisses my head making me immediately feel more calm.

"Scott I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's. And it terrifies me." He states while looking at Scott. I turn my head that is in Stiles's head and reach out to hold Mr Stilinski's hand. He gives me a shorts nod before looking back at his son and sons best friend.

"Then why are you putting him in hear," Scott pushes on and I can hear the desperation dripping from his words.

"He's not. It was our decision." Stiles says looking at his best friend with sad eyes, his hand not letting go of mine knowing that he needed the extra support through facing his friends disapproval.

"Stiles I can't help you both in here."

"And I can't hurt you. Or Jas. If you can't find something then you never let me leave here. You take Jas as far away from me as possible and leave me here." He whispers in all seriously. I furrow my eyebrows at his words and look at him.

"N-no you're not. Y-you c-can't just leave and n-not-" I stutter through my panic as I look at him. The sky rumbling as my head shakes at him. Is this his way of saying goodbye. Does he really not believe this will work. He grabs my hand and tries to calm me down by stooping down and making eye contact with my eyes.

"I'm not leaving you, any of you. We're gonna find a way but in the case that w-we don't then I can't be the reason for you killing people. Or worse getting killed." He whispers to me while I shake my head trying to make his words change but he just holds my face waiting for me to calm down. Holding his love in his hands for maybe the last time in a long time. I nod my head before he brings me into a passionate kiss which I return with all my effort. When we release from the kiss his heads pressed to mine.

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