Chapter 10 - He who represents the Moon Goddess

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 "Brady... Brady it's time to wake up."


My eyes slide open underneath an unfamiliar ceiling. No- not unfamiliar. It's my ceiling, but not the one I usually wake up under. Did I fall asleep on the couch? What happened after... oh right. All that.

I swing my legs out from under the blankets and find that they're bare. So is the rest of me, for that matter. My head feels so foggy. The shadows on my floor suddenly start to move, and I force my eyes to adjust to the morning light pouring into my apartment.

Mold is outside along with... the man I rescued. Well. It's good to see that he's up and about, although the pair seem to be having a rather heated debate, to put it nicely. I think I'll use this chance to slip into something, I'd rather not talk to them as I am.

After sneaking into my room I slip on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, and decide to wash my face before heading back to the living room. The two are now at opposite ends of the balcony, glaring at each other. I stand in the center of the room, bouncing from one foot to the other in hopes that someone will notice me before I have to go out myself.

Luckily muscle-man glances inside first, and upon seeing me he swiftly slides the door open, coming back inside. Mold follows shortly after him.

I look at her, deciding to be the one to break the silence; "So I guess you saw them, huh?"

"Ah, um, yes. We saw... them..?" Muscle-man butts in. His voice is higher than I thought it would be, but judging from how vigorously he's wringing his hands it's probably more from nerves than anything. "I'm Jacy Glenn, and should I call you miss..?"

"Brady. Tyson. And please, there's no need to be so formal."

"Ah, okay, but that doesn't really answer my question..."

Mold snickers.

"You got something to say, E.T.?" I shoot at her.

"No ma'am."
"Ah, so that's how it is." Jacy interrupts again, "Sorry, your friend here refused to tell me absolutely anything about you. She's very loyal."

"The jury's still out on that." I turn back to Mold; "You did see them, then. Well, I won't be taking questions now, but if you behave I'll give you the story later."

"Brady, I saw them when I socked you in the face before your shower, remember?"

"Oh yeah, I guess so... Well, thanks for not being too inquisitive, I guess." I scratch the back of my head.

"You had already seen them..." Jacy flushes and glares at Mold. The way the reaction juxtaposes with his massive frame is kind of cute, actually.

Mold elbows him in the diaphragm; "Her scars, you oaf. What did you think we were talking about?"

"Well you know, her..." his hand-wringing gets even more intense, and he chooses to shove them in his pockets instead. Clearing his throat he continues; "A-anyway I don't judge, I'm a man of science after all, it's just that she wouldn't tell me anything, sorry..."

I chuckle, and Mold lets out a yawn; "There's no need to apologize, Jacy. And don't worry, I'm sure she'll behave herself now. Why don't you introduce yourself, Mold."

She grinds her teeth and exaggerates a sigh before giving in as I stare her down; "Mold, representing Hermes. Pleasure."

"And I'm Brady, representing Týr. I do hope that we'll be able to get along."

"I hope so too, with you saving my life and all." At this line I smirk an 'I told you so' at Mold, and she rolls her eye. Jacy clears his throat again before continuing; "I'm Jacy, but I guess you already know that. Yeah. Anyway, I'm representing Artemis."

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