Chapter 13 - The God of Death

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 "Oh, man. It looks like the artist messed up some." Jacy leans across the restaurant table, peering intently at my shoulder. I twist my head down as well, and sure enough. Behind the main line of the Tiwaz a small green mark pokes out from it's center.

"That's weird." Mold chimes in after slurping loudly on her soda. "We got it in solid black. There shouldn't have been green ink anywhere near that needle."

"Maybe some was accidentally left on it from the last tattoo he gave."

"Then that would be incredibly unsanitary. I don't buy it."

"Man, why are you making such a big deal about it. It's a tiny blemish."

"It doesn't make any sense and it's creepy." She slurps through her straw again. It's curly.

"Just drop it. Our food's here."

A bubbly waiter struts over to our table, a massive pile of food spread across a tray he's carrying across his arm. With a 'sorry about the wait' he begins unloading the order, a majority of which goes to Jacy's side of the table. As soon as the waiter is gone he begins shoveling it into his mouth, to which Mold and I look on with a slight amount of dismay.

"What is it you wanted to talk about, anyway?" I ask Mold before digging into my burger as Jacy finishes his second.

"This." She pulls a piece of paper from her pocket and unfolds it. It looks suspiciously like it came from the tattoo studio's waiting room magazines. "You ever heard of this band?"

I let out a snort. "The Dog-Headed Serpents? Who hasn't? They're sooooo overplayed. I mean, it was cool at first. You don't hear that many non-english songs on the radio, right? But then stations seemed to think that they've only made like two songs and now it's all you hear."

"Thanks for the history lesson, Brady." She pours A-1 sauce all over her steak, then picks it up between her fingers, her pointed teeth tearing through the meat. Between bites she mumbles; "actually look at the page, though."

I don't mind having the opportunity to look down, as I'm surrounded by carnivorous monsters on all sides. The page is formatted more like a flier than anything, as it simply shows the popular brother-sister duo on their instruments. Below the graphic simply shows that they're doing a world tour, performing at many hit venues around the world such as... "Olympia?!"

I exclaim out loud, and Mold shushes me. Putting down her slab of meat she whispers; "remember what I told you about how the representatives will come from all around the world to take part in Ragnarök, wherever it's happening? Seems a bit curious, don't you think? Especially since they're going to be performing-"

"Tomorrow night." I finish.

"Exactly. That Ofelia girl was really insistent that you come tomorrow night as well. I don't know what all of your interpersonal relationships are like, but could it be possible that your boss is gathering a bunch of representatives together for... some reason?"

"No way." I snap back, a bit of irritation in my voice. "Mr. Argyros would have told me if he was doing something like that, much less if he was a representative at all."

"Are you sure? The building's name is literally-"

"Yes! Yes... I'm sure. It would be too obvious anyway. It's just a coincidence." I reassure myself, but the correlation shakes me nonetheless.

"W-well." Jacy speaks for the first time in a while, his pile of food magically gone. He daintily dabs at his mouth with a napkin before continuing; "There's no use in getting worked up over it now. You're going to have to go there tomorrow either way, right? It doesn't hurt to be on guard, but we'll all find out if there's any actual cause for concern tomorrow."

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