Chapter Ten

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Ronald looked out the window. There was a chance for rain, or snow. Ronald wasn't sure.

It was the third time today that he wondered what Bethany was doing today. Today was her birthday. Was she celebrating it? Or was she forced to work on her birthday?

Ronald was stuck here, finishing his studies. All he wanted to do was be with her. And wish her happy birthday.

He hasn't seen her much lately because his father made sure he was busy all day, every day. He went to events and celebrations. Dinners and meetings. And last but not least, he was finishing up schooling for the final year.

He was coming of age to start ruling, so his father saw it as important to let the kingdom know he was fit to rule.

Honestly, he didn't feel ready. He wanted Bethany at his side, as his friend and companion. She always knew how to help him.

There was another thing that gave him great distress. He was set to wed princess Kathrine in the upcoming year. He hasn't told Bethany of the news yet. He knew it would change everything between them. She would be serving his soon-to-be wife, in a year's time. And he hated the aspect in every way.

Why couldn't their friendship be public? Why couldn't they have a chance to be together?

His heart skipped a beat. He never...thought of Bethany in that way. But what if he did want to be with her? He wouldn't be allowed to.

It angered him. The injustice that was shown to the both of them.

He wanted to run to her, and give the gift he's been hiding in his bedside drawer. Combing through his short hair, he leaned against his hand. What if she never showed up? He hasn't seen her in two weeks. What if she didn't want to see him? What if she thought he was ignoring her?

"Focus, your majesty." The teacher brought him back to the studies. Grudgingly, the prince listened. For the past hour he learned how to strategize for war. Then he would finish up learning how to make his country a fortress. Strong and powerful.

The prince jerked his head up. "Sorry," he gave a lopsided smile. "I was just lost in my thoughts."

"That's understandable, but you have to finish up with your final lesson. Testing will be tomorrow and then you're free. Then I don't have to torment you with study any longer." The teacher cracked a joke. Which was unusual for his serious teacher.

But the prince smiled anyways. "I've waited for this day a long time." Ronald said.

"I know." The teacher replied with a smile.

Ronald was drawn to boredom each lesson they did. The teacher struggled with the lessons, to keep him on track and focused. Ronald's father would ask the teacher how he was doing and when he would find out that Ronald was doing poorly, he would punish him by forcing him to stay in the study room all day, and do his lesson's with the teacher until he improved.

Both the teacher and Ronald suffered. So he learned to try his best. The prince felt a slight tinge of pity. He had tortured the teacher throughout the years.

"I appreciate everything you've done for me, Mr. Longmont. I'm sorry for any pain or grievances I've caused you in the-"

"Woah, you did nothing of the sort." The man has aged since teaching him. And Ronald was sure it was because of him.

"On a serious note, you did a lot for me." Ronald said with deep appreciation. "I learned a lot from you."

The teacher studied Ronald for a moment and nodded. "Your welcome, it's been my pleasure to serve you and the king. Although, I hope that you don't forget what we've learned together." He said in a jesting manner.

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