Chapter Twelve

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The air seemed to stand still. Waiting. Waiting for her to reveal what she meant by those words.

"King Thomas wanted them to marry so through their alliance he could force Ronald to take Iris. Once they would marry, Ronald would convince her to sign the rights to the throne over to him, and he would be King over both kingdoms. It was more than alliances, it was to get poor gullible Kathrine to sign over the kingdom to Ronald. Thomas would be behind it all, using Ronald as a puppet. He knows people have been suspecting him of trying to take over Iris for the longest time, so he wrapped his fingers around Ronald, and raised him so he could follow in his footsteps. Lead on his legacy." The queen shrank back, worry was etched in her features making her look well beyond her age. The role of queen took its toll.

"And what if he doesn't want to?" Her heartbeat fast. Does Ronald know about this? Or is he in the dark? Fear spread like darkness around the chambers of her heart.

"He doesn't care. He has been successful in all his endeavors, and I fear he will be successful in this as well." The queen paced the floor. Distress caused the queen's shoulders to drop ever so slightly.

Bethany's mind was reeling. She knew what it meant, the people of Iris would form a rebellion. They would never let their kingdom be taken from them.

Before the alliance, before the engagement of Ronald and Kathrine, the country of Iris was quarreling with Eldore. They had wars in previous generations. This was the first time in many centuries there was peace between them.

Any foolish act like that would endanger all that they've worked for. The alliance created more wealth and benefit for the kingdom of Eldore. But of course the King wanted more. He was getting greedy.

"Why did you tell me this?" This was sensitive information that she was telling a servant. Bethany couldn't quite believe the trust the queen showed.

She became solemn. "I have no one to confide in, that would believe me. I couldn't keep this to myself any longer. And I see you're a smart girl, you kept Ronald close to his instincts. If it weren't for you, he might have turned out to be just like his father." She shook her head.

The queen walked over to the window and starred out, searching for answers. Her somber expression grew heavy.

"He's endangering my son!" A sob broke her composure, and Bethany gasped. Not sure of what to say or do. So she reached out to the queen in an effort to comfort her. To Bethany's surprise, she didn't pull away.

"I'm so sorry, your majesty." It was all she could say because the shock hasn't worn off yet. And her mind was scattered. Would Ronald go through with it? Would he cave under pressure? She knew he's different than his father, but what if his father would be convincing enough and he would listen? Or worse the king would threaten his own son? He has locked his son away with no food or water, no communication.

What would he do to gain a country?

Bethany yearned to warn him.

She pulled back and told Bethany, "You tell the prince if you see him. I can't, because if they find out I was eavesdropping, I will be killed. But you, you have a good friendship with him, he will trust you. I trust you."

The queen said in a pleading manner, Bethany only nodded. The pressure suddenly felt heavy upon her shoulders.

She couldn't believe all that transpired. They parted and the queen thanked Bethany for being so good to her son. For being there for him no matter what. Bethany didn't know how to respond. Yes, she was friends with him, but Bethany fully expected the queen to have reservations about a servant girl being in such a place as to know the dirty secrets of the palace.

"Your majesty, may I ask something?" She said just before the queen departed. "Whose room was this? Why was it locked all these years?"

The queen stood stoic. No reply came from her and Bethany felt the pang of guilt. Whatever did happen here, it wasn't her place to ask and her stomach clenched. Bethany had gotten too comfortable with royalty, so much so her usual filter had slowly gone away. Until she felt free to ask and do as she pleased around them. Mother would be ashamed if she found out.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, your majesty."

"Oh no." The queen looked to the floor and back up at her. "I simply haven't spoken of it because of the painful feelings that come with this room." Tears were brought afresh. "This room was the room in which my firstborn twins slept when they were just babes."

When the queen didn't go on, Bethany asked gently, "What happened to them?" She didn't know of any children of the king, except for Ronald.

The queen gave the room a once over. Almost recalling that very day she was last in her. The longing in her face made Bethany's heart squeeze, she didn't want to bring more pain to the queen.

"The twins, one boy, one girl, both fell ill with typhoid," sniffling, she pulled out a handkerchief and wiped her nose. "They both died within hours of each other." Her voice broke, and tears poured now freely. "As if they couldn't live without each other. I lost both my babies that day, I couldn't do anything to save them." She finished just barely.

Bethany found her own cheeks wet. She walked over to the queen once more and placed a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "I never knew that, I'm sorry for bringing up such a painful memory." She closed the distance between them and hugged the queen without reserve.

"Thank you." She said into Bethany's shoulder.

"For what?" Bethany asked, confused. She pulled away to read her eyes.

"For reminding me of them. I didn't get to grieve their deaths, I was pregnant once more only months after their deaths, and became quite fussed over by doctors who made sure I didn't get sick so that the heir to the throne could be born in good health. I didn't get to grieve their deaths." She repeated, with a taut voice.

Bethany couldn't imagine what she must've felt, mourning the lost, only to find she was pregnant once again.

"I'm so sorry. It is a great travesty to lose your children. Must have been hard coming into this room. Is that why you ordered it to never be opened?"

"Yes. But when the King and Lady of Ascott's came over too many times, we needed them closer. So we finally used this room." She stared longingly about the room.

Bethany took a few steps back to give her the space she needed. And then a small fear arose. What if the prince died because he didn't get the care he needed? Being locked up there for who knows how long? She needed to warn the queen.

"Your majesty, I'm sorry to disturb you once more but your son..he is sick." She watched the news absorb fully as the queen stiffened.

Turning her face briskly toward her, fear tore at the queen's heart, "What do you mean sick? When did he fall ill?"

"Henry told me of this only today. It turns out he got sick from the time he was outside waiting for me. He must have caught a cold, he came back in soaking clothing and I think that's when he fell ill. Mother has been giving him healing herbs, but I fear he needs to see a doctor."

The queen recovered. She stood up tall and told Bethany before leaving, "I will get to the bottom of this, the King is acting foolish. I will not stand for it any longer. I will have a doctor sent up to him. Thank you for telling me this."

As quick as the wind, she was out of the room.

Bethany was left feeling a mix of emotions, standing frozen in place for a moment. A minute passed by when she finally recovered. She set to work cleaning the room, preparing the bed with fresh linens.

All the while she feared for Ronald. His own father would be putting him in danger. She needed to talk to him. But she was stuck in this room. She went to scrub the tub. Washing vigorously, she used up all the pent up energy that was building up.

First she finds out the prince is getting married, now she finds his life is in danger because of his father. What next?

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