Chapter Thirty-Two

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Someone was rubbing her shoulder. Still deep in sleep, she shifted. It didn't stop. Stirring, she cracked one eye open to see who it was. Candles were already lit, servants stood not too far off, and Bethany tried to make out the silhouette right in front of her. It was Countess Jolena, one of Bethany's ladies in waiting, who stood gently caressing her shoulder.

"Your majesty, it's time for you to get up." She said, her voice soft, melodic. Slowly easing Bethany awake. 

What were they doing here this early?

Then it clicked what the fuss was all about. Sleep now fled as she sat up, alert. Today was a big day. Her wedding day.

"Your Royal highness, we must prepare you. A long day awaits." The countess prompted her into action.

"Of course, of course." She put on the dressing gown that was laid out for her on the chaise. She dressed herself.

"Your majesty, your breakfast will be brought up shortly." Bethany nodded absent mindedly while the wheels in her head began churning. 

Bethany moved on to the basin at the corner of the room, filled with cold water.

Bracing herself, she took in a sharp breath, and splashed the cold water. The frigid water sure left no more room for slumber. She was wide awake.

Glancing out the window, it was still dark but there was a slight dawn beginning to break.

Countess Jolena began listing things off that needed to be completed before they set foot in the chapel, while she paced the room, brushing a strand of hair over and over.

By the time the lady finished reading the list, a lady servant entered the room with a tray bearing her breakfast, and Bethany stopped fidgeting. The aroma wafted to her from the table she set it down on. Bethany rose and walked over to take a break.

Just as Bethany began the breakfast, she heard a familiar voice, and looked up. Ronald's mother stood in the doorway. As elegant and beautiful as ever, the light spilling in from the hallway.

"Mother." Bethany got up and rushed to greet her with an embrace. Using the familiar term was unusual, but nevertheless it was true. Today she would become her mother-in-law.

"Oh sweetheart." She held Bethany close, stroking her hair. "I wanted to come wake you myself, it seems I have missed that opportunity." She gave a pointed smile at Countess Jolena. "Good morning either way." She said, as she placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you, I can scarcely believe today is the day of the wedding. It feels so unreal." She voiced her thoughts.

"Oh yes, time flew quickly, didn't it?" She smiled and smoothed over Bethany's wild bedhead hair. "Well then," she continued, leading Bethany back towards the tray of food that she had left behind. "I shall leave now, but I will be back. Enjoy your fare, you will be sorely hungered if you don't."

Smiling, she agreed. "I will do that for sure and thank you by the way." Bethany mused. "You have made my morning."

Short as the visit was, it was what she needed. Bethany's nerves eased enough so she could stomach the food brought to her. Sitting down, she finished the meal in no time. In a hurry to begin the day, she supposed.

Next on the list was hair and makeup. Dreading it, she sat down in the chair. Two women prodded her with brushes, applying things on her face as though she were a canvas. And another pulled at her strands, trying to untangle the mess.

It was more than an hour later when the former queen arrived, this time with Bethany's mother in tow.

"Mother." She smiled at them. "How lucky am I to have both of you here."

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