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Hello, this is my first ever AOT story, let me know what u guys think! Also sorry if there are any similarities with other stories but pls know it's not on purpose bc I've literally only read like half of one Levi x reader ever before haha hope you enjoy though! There will be some strong language, violence, borderline abuse kinda??? and some freaky stuff btw ;) x


My shins were kicked out from under my feet and I yelped as I fell forward, hands and knees completely covered in mud.

"That's ten laps for you," snarled a voice from above me. I couldn't help my hands forming into fists, pulling on strands of grass in an attempt to contain everything I wanted to scream at this man.

"I didn't even do anything wrong!" I said through my teeth, my eyes fully glued to the ground because I knew I would not be able to look into his at that moment. "This is so unfair, I don't deserve ten laps for-"

I gasped as a foot connected with my shoulder, kicking me onto my side and leaving no choice but to fall straight into the mud, my newly-washed survey corps uniform losing most colour to it and becoming brown. The impact was such a shock that I barely registered it even happening for a moment. I felt absolutely disgusting and I could not believe he would do this in front of everyone.

Before I could even collect my thoughts, my arm was grabbed by the man before me as he pulled me to my feet which I could barely stand on. He was only slightly taller than me, quite short, but when our eyes locked I could not stop the shivers from running down my spine.

"Fifteen laps," Captain Levi barked with the coldest look I had ever been given, hair falling in front of his face to create shadows which only made his expression all the more sinister. "Learn to shut your mouth and do as you're told for once. Stupid brat."

The captain let go of my arm and my hands instantly went to the area, as he had been squeezing me quite tightly, along with my shoulder that had received a full-blown kick only moments ago. I bit down on my lip, as it was the only way to stop myself from blurting out something stupid and having my punishment tripled. I was absolutely seething though; I could not believe how harsh he was being on me. The worst punishment anyone has ever gotten was eight laps around the training courts, and that was for a much worse offence than forgetting to practice 3DMG equipment employment. Who cares if I couldn't get my gear on instantly by myself? It's not like we're going to be using it any time soon.

"Go," Captain Levi said, his voice a little softer than earlier. He quickly turned to all of the other cadets who had stood in tidy rows around us and watched the entire situation unfold. "The rest of you can go, we're done for today. I've been put in a fowl mood now, so we'll continue this tomorrow. I better not have to deal with any more unprepared morons because I won't be as forgiving."

His announcement caused many sighs of relief as it had just started raining a few minutes before, hence why the ground was wet, but this only made me feel worse. I would have to run in the rain while everyone else is warm and cosy indoors, definitely not covered in mud from head to toe.

As the crowd started dispersing and I began walking in the opposite direction to the others, I heard my name being called from behind me.

"Y/N!" I turned around and it was none other than Jean, his presence alone bringing a small smile to my face. He had been a friend of mine for a very long time since we met in military police training, but the last month had gotten us very close and I would now undoubtedly call the boy my best friend. Jean had ended up becoming a scout, while I stayed with my original role choice. After the events of the Battle of Shiganshina, where most of the cadets had been wiped out, the government started offering pay rises and other benefits to members of the other regiments who agreed to become scouts instead in order to boost the numbers. I took the chance while I had it and have been mostly enjoying my time here, except for a certain black-haired someone making my life a living hell.

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