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My eyes slowly drifted open, my vision blurry and patchy, as I scanned the room around me. I was slumped against a wall behind a desk, a large pool of blood around me and bookcases lining the walls. I was in the same room I passed out in. No one came to save me.

The lighting was now much dimmer and, as I carefully pulled myself up to a standing position, having to lean against the wall for support, I gazed out of the window and realised that it was now much later in the day. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow over the scenery. This meant I must have fainted a few hours prior.

I felt so incredibly weak. Looking down, the pool of blood was massive, all of it coming from my injured leg. I could not believe that I had been caught by a titan like that, and nearly got swallowed. Did I even deserve to be the lone survivor in my squad? It felt like some of the others had done a much better job than me and it should have been them waking up right now instead of me.

I felt very lightheaded, my brain seeming like it was spinning in circles, as I slowly dragged myself over to the window, gazing outside. It was completely silent and the streets were bare. This was interesting considering I had killed a titan right outside of here so I should have been able to see it, but this meant that its body had had enough time to decompose into steam. It had really been a long time since I passed out.

I knew I needed to get out of here and find help, if there even was anyone still here that is. I propped myself up on the windowsill and, aiming to avoid all of the sharp edges as best as I could, I fired the one working hook of my 3DM gear out of the window and allowed my body to be pulled through the air by the unevenly distributed invisible force. Landing on a roof on my hands and knees, I took a deep breath and scanned the area around me. It really was so quiet and eerie.

I gazed out upon all of the rooftops, then up to the surrounding walls. A cool breeze brushed through my hair, making it swing out to the side. It was soaked with blood though, so was all my clothing. My whole body, actually, was covered in more red than not; I knew that some of it was mine but I recalled Hans being crushed to pieces by a titan directly in front of me and his blood exploding over all of those present, so a lot must have been his, as well as the titan's who I slaughtered. It was hard to even notice, but it seemed as though a small group of people were standing on top of the wall, around where the main gate to the city was. They were just tiny figures in the distance, so far away, but they were my only shot at getting out of here.

I stood up, all of my weight on my one good leg which wobbled below me as the other one hung limply.

"Help," I said, but my voice came out hoarse and as a tiny whisper. All of my energy was drained; I had lost a lot of blood and had laid there for hours. It was a miracle that I was even alive. But if I wanted to survive any longer, I needed the aid of those standing on the wall.

"Help!" I called out as loud as my voice would allow me in its current state, swinging my arms up in the air and waving them to grab the attention of the group. They were all just dark figures to me, with the sun setting behind them and the huge distance between us, but I saw a couple of heads snap in my direction.

My body collapsed back down into a sitting position, my one good leg giving out from under me. I was starving and dehydrated. I knew I would not live without some medical attention. This was the worst I had ever felt in my life; I could not imagine anything that could top this.

"It's Y/N!" I heard a familiar voice call out and, as I looked up, I noticed that two figures had left the group perched up on the wall and were now flying towards me. The closer they came the more I recognised them and I gave a tiny, wobbling smile at the sight. It was Commander Hange and Armin, both probably doing some admin work following our attack.

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