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Heyyyyy let me know what you guys think of the story and if there's anything you would like to see! I love getting feedback :) Enjoy!!


"What do they put in this wine they give the scouts?" I slurred with a small hiccup. "This is strong as fuuuuck."

The two girls burst into a fit of giggles, each sitting on separate logs on either side of me, taking the last sips of their wine before the bottles were finished. Mikasa could not stop laughing, harder than I had ever heard her laugh before, and would have fallen backwards onto the ground if not for Jean sitting beside her and sticking his arm out behind her back whenever she seemed like she was going to sway a little too far.

The three of us were unbelievably drunk and Jean had decided that we needed a babysitter for the night. This was not without good reason though since, about an hour before this, the girls and I had had the most amazing plan to sneak into the storage room again and get some food, as the alcohol had made us hungry. As shitfaced as we were though, we managed to wake the entirety of Accommodation Building 2 and 3 as we walked passed them,  so Jean had come running out in his pyjamas, questioning what we were doing. Luckily, he convinced us to abandon the idea of stealing the food but had not been fortunate enough to persuade us to go to bed, as we screamed 'the night is still young!' at 2 am. The boy then walked us back to the firepit and decided that we could not be trusted to be left alone, so he stayed as the designated sober person.

The girls were extremely funny in this state, but also very different. Sasha was loud and talkative as ever, but Mikasa just giggled for most of the time and could not stand straight on her feet. I had lost count of the number of times she had fallen over today and Jean even moved from his place next to me in order to sit near her just to ensure she did not hurt herself further. It was hilarious to see her like this as it was so unlike her usual composed self.

"I wanna sing a song," Sasha whined, her face orange from the fire which burned in the middle of all of us and kept us warm on this chilly night.

"Nuh-uh," Jean shook his head at her pointedly. "You're going to wake up literally everyone! Do you know how much convincing it took to stop Floch from knocking on Hange's door and reporting you guys earlier? You know what some of the guys are like, they need their 'beauty sleep'."

Mikasa and I giggled at his comment, our laughter seeming never-ending, but Sasha had other plans in mind.

"You don't want us to be loud?" A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes, as she spoke with a too-innocent voice.

Jean's eyes went wide. "Sasha, no-"

The girl screamed at the top of her lungs, the high-pitched sound echoing through the entirety of the training camp. Jean cringed at the noise and covered his ears, but Mikasa and I only laughed harder. To my utter surprise, as soon as Sasha's long yell was over Mikasa filled the silence with her own booming one, to which the other girl joined in again, then so did I. We were just screaming and laughing for a few minutes straight, ignoring the tall boy's protests, too intoxicated to have a care in the world.

However, this was short-lived, only for me though, as letting out scream after scream burned the back of my throat and made me remember all the things I actually had to scream about. I took my last sips of wine, finishing the bottle, and the influence of the alcohol had made my mood change like the flick of a switch. I fell silent instantly, staring deep into the fire before me, my eyes quickly growing serious.

"Oh god, don't tell me you're an emotional drunk," Jean blurted out as soon as he glanced at my face. I looked over at him, seeing Mikasa finally allowing his arm to rest on her shoulders as she dozed off, and I could not help my feelings from taking over. I burst into tears.

Bad Girl [Levi Ackerman x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now