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You walk into the house along side Emma, Norman, and Ray. There's a crowd of children gathered around the front of the dining room. The four of you move to the front to see what the commotion is about.

"Attention! I want you to meet Carol, your newest sibling" Mom says, referring to the baby she's holding in her arms. The baby is ginger like Emma, but has blue eyes "And this is Sister Krone, she's here to help me with my duties". You look to the left of Mom to see a tall woman with dark skin. The woman lets out a small giggle. You there stand in complete shock.

"An adult-" Emma whispers, her eyes full of fear.

"-another enemy" Norman continues.

"I will be living here with you all starting today. It's nice to meet you!" Sister Krone says with a smile. The children talk with excitement meaning there's a new person for them to play with, but for you it couldn't be further from it. You watch as Mom's deep purple eyes glare at yours, then Ray's, Emma's, and Norman's soon after.

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"I was so focused on the trackers that another adult didn't even cross my mind" Norman says as he looks at a broken floorboard. The four of you are stood in the library, discussing what to do next.

"Actually, we should be happy about this" Ray says with his arms crossed.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Emma asks.

"Carol and Sister Krone are two more sources of information" He replies "First, where did they come from?"

"I suppose Carol is here to replace Conny, so they must be replenishing the merchandise" Norman suggests, which makes your mind race.

"Yeah, if this place is a farm, they must have a base where they prepare one year olds to resupply the house" Ray says.

"So did we all come from there?" You ask as you sit in a chair at one of the tables.

"Probably. And I bet Sister Krone did too" He replied as he pressed his back against a bookshelf, shifting his weight onto his heels and back.

"It's significant that there are other adults besides Mom" Norman explains "It means that there might be other farms just like this one. Are the adults who work at the farm under the demon's control from the time they're born? Or after they're captured? Knowing could change how we survive after escaping".

"But first we need to figure out if we're going to escape with everyone. And we still need to find the tracking devices" Ray adds.

"I've searched my body but I don't see any scars where it could've been implanted" Emma says as she pats herself down again just to be sure.

"Nothing in our clothes or shoes either" You say.

"Based on mankind's existing technology, it probably uses radio waves. But that requires batteries. Something battery powered that's small and lasts over 10 years? That kind of technology wouldn't exist in 2015..." He continues. You sit in your seat amazed by how much Ray knows about this kind of stuff.

"What do you mean?" Emma asks another question.

"It means that it's going to be hard to find where it is and how to break it. If it's demon technology we may as well just give up" Ray says, slightly discouraged.

"Wait so...checkmate?" Emma asks.

"Pretty much" Ray responds, practically already given up.

"Oh come on, that can't be it" You say. You stand up from your chair and march over to Ray who's still leaned against the bookshelf. You grab his ear and pinch it. "Don't talk like that, this can't be the end. If it's demon technology then there's a demon fix! We just have to find it". He nods and you let go of his now red ear. You start to walk away but Ray grabs your waist from behind and pulls you back to him, pressing you against his body. He leans over from his height and whispers in your ear.

"Payback". You huff in defeat and slight anger as you stay pressed against him, crossing your arms.

"She's right, even if we can't figure it out, we can guess" Norman suggests.

"Right. Let's think like them" Ray starts "What would be the most convenient place to put it in". You all stand there in thought, trying to figure out the most reasonable spot. Norman suddenly lifts his head, making you all turn your attention to him.

"Carol!" He says "She might still have a scar since she just arrived". You all look at each other, thinking the same thoughts.

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You lay in your bed wide awake for another night, but this time it's not just because you can't sleep. You can't help but think about what happened to Conny and all of your other past siblings, or what will happen to you if you don't escape. You glance out the window and get an idea. You move towards the far right of the window and move the latch so that the window opens. You stand on top of your bed and crawl out the window.

The air is warm but the breeze is cool making it just the right temperature. You crawl entirely out the window and shuffle over so that you're sitting on the roof. You bring your knees to your chest and tuck them under your large, baggy pajama shirt, using your arms to bring them even closer. You look up at the stars and start to get lost in thought, tears brimming your (e/c) eyes.

"Mind if I join you, Y/n" You hear a voice from your left. You turn your head to see Ray climbing out of the same window you crawled though.

"Do whatever" You say as you tuck your head between your knees, looking out at the forest in front of you "How'd you know I was out here anyway". You look over to him and see that he's crawling over to where you're sitting and sits next to you.

"I couldn't really sleep either, and I heard you get out of bed so I thought I'd follow you" He explains. He's sitting with his knees in the air but his feet on the roof, his arms stretched out behind him to prop him up "What are you doing up here?".

"I don't know honestly. I've just been thinking about the whole thing with Mom and the farm. I think it's a lot for me to handle" You say with a nervous smile while looking at him face to face "I mean, we don't even know what we're going to do. We have the basic plan but nothing in detail". You start to feel so helpless.

"I know what you mean. This is all so frustrating but, we can probably do it" Ray says. He then slings his arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his chest. You lay your head on his shoulder as tears start to fall down your cheeks.

"I'm supposed to be mad at you for not wanting to bring anyone" You say with a hmph. He looks down at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"And why aren't you mad?" He asks in his usual low, raspy tone.

"Well because I heard some of your conversation with Norman" You explain "I'm happy that you agreed, I don't want to leave anyone behind just because they're too young or something". You grin at him and look back at the dark horizon, your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. You flutter your eyes closed and after a few seconds, you start to hear him hum a familiar song as you drift to sleep.

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