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I only go downstairs when Grams calls for dinner. I had come home to everyone napping, Mom included. But alas, all good things must come to an end and now it's finally time to face them.

Surprisingly, Dad is at the table, already eating a slice of pizza Grams ordered for the occasion. Mom is at the table as well, watching Dad with disapproving eyes, her own slice untouched on her plate.

"Dylan, you've rejoined us." Mom murmurs when she notices my approach, her lips tightly pursed. I remember always thinking she was so pretty - now all she does is frown.

"Yep." I shrug, trying my hardest to appear calm and rational. "And I even figured out how to get you all off my back."

Ignoring the stern glare Mom sends over the table, I grab a couple of cheese slices and settle into my chair comfortably.

It's not ideal, but there's no way I'm going back home. Mom and I will never see eye to eye and the longer I can put off returning, the better it is for us both.

"Brynn asked me to join the planning committee for the Summer Bash." I explain simply, taking a large bite.

"That's wonderful," Grams is thrilled, satisfied with my efforts. "Brynn is such a nice girl."

"Mhm." I murmur, clearing my throat with a gulp of water. "It's at least one day a week, on top of working at the center. So now you can stop worrying, right?"

Mom narrows her eyes at me, looking to my father for help. Finding none per usual, she lets out a deep sigh. "Fine. But we have to talk Dylan: maybe you can pick school up again in the fall."

Rolling my eyes to the ceiling, I take a deep breath and shake my head. "I don't want to finish, Mom. I meant what I said, I only did it for you both." Sensing an argument, I continue quickly. "But, I will promise to take the summer to consider my options. I'll have a plan by the end of the summer."

Watching me intently, as if searching for a sign of dishonesty, Mom speaks slowly. "And what you said about your brother?"

"What about it?" I lean back in my chair, body tired from the day of wandering. "It's the truth." Mom opens her mouth to protest and so I keep going, tired of the same old conversation again and again. "At least it's how I feel. But whatever the reason, I'd like to stay here for the summer, as planned."

Mom exhales slowly, fingers twisting her locket - the one that matches mine, engraved with the outline of me and Casey's photo on the boat. "Fine. You can stay."

"Great." I mutter, finishing up my last bite of crust.

"But," Mom raises a finger, looking between Grams and me. "Stay away from Luke Henson."

Grams scowls at her pizza, barely eaten, but says nothing.

"That's not a problem," I agree, somewhat satisfied with this new stipulation. Catching Grams eye, I can tell that even though she's not speaking up now, we'll be continuing this conversation once my parents leave.

"That boy," Mom shakes her head, finally eating her dinner. "Is nothing but trouble."

Grams stiffens, shoving her plate away from her. Watching her, curiosity definitely piqued, I wonder again when Grams got so protective over Luke.

"He was always -" Mom starts again but I cut her off, suddenly tired of the Luke bashing.

"Hey, Mom?" I snap, "Can we not? I know, okay? I get it. Luke's bad news."

At that, Dad lifts his head, but only to glance at Mom. Then he's back to chewing once more, quietly nibbling like a startled squirrel.

Mom opens and closes her mouth, before shrugging it off casually. "I was simply saying,"

"I know." I sigh audibly, taking me and Grams plates to the sink. "I know what you were saying."

Of the pair, Luke was always more reckless than Casey. Whereas Casey dated Maya forever and liked her even before that, Luke flitted from girl to girl, his charming smile breaking hearts everywhere he went. Even though my parents loved him like a son, it took time for them to accept him as my boyfriend.

And then of course, there was the accident. Mom and Dad didn't let me watch the coverage on the news, refused to take me to the morgue. They said I didn't need to remember Casey that way, barely recognizable due to his injuries.

Luke had been driving that night. They told me that besides some minor bumps and bruises, he would be okay.

They didn't tell me if he'd been drinking. But soon, the talk around town, spread by anyone who would listen to Janet and her nosy friends, told me everything I needed to know.

My parents forbade me to ever speak to Luke again.

It didn't matter, I never wanted to talk to the person that took Casey away anyways.

"I think those plates are clean, Dylan Grace." Grams beckons me back to the table, breaking me from my ruminating.

"I think you're right." I dry them hastily, shoving all thoughts of Luke Henson to the farthest corner of my mind.

Grams makes eye contact with me, frowning like she knows what I'm thinking. Ignoring her intent stare, I open up our freezer, the cool air raising the hairs on my arms.

"Anyone want ice cream?"

"Anyone want ice cream?"

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