♡freezing to death in a hot pink mini skirt♡

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(fair warning this fanfic has its own sort of timeline, events that happen in the manga will happen in the fanfic just a different place/speed. Not to the extent of which it changes the entire story but the timeline isn't 100% accurate.)

♡day 4♡

Walking out of the store, you packed your small crate of cat food into your bag. You then opened up a brand new pack of strawberry mochi. Taking a piece of mochi you stuffed it all in your mouth. You then looked down at your brand new magazine. Feeling satisfied you swallowed the mochi.

As you stuffed your change in your skirt pocket you heard what sounded like motorbikes park right beside you.

Looking over you saw a gaggle of middle-aged bikers parked right next to you. All of which giving you creepy-looking smiles.

"Hey, girlie," one of the bikers asked. He had shittly dyed blond hair and a smile that consisted of yellow-stained teeth. He was covered from head to toe in tacky jewelry and streetwear.

"Hey, Taku you've got good taste" One of the other bikers piped up. You already knew you were pretty, you didn't need some middle-aged bum of a biker to tell you that.

The blonde spoke up again "my name's Takuo Shibui Maru, that's shibutaku for short, hehe... come on girlie, how about it?" He lowered his sunglasses to reveal his small, beady eyes.

In the background, you could hear some of the other bikers' mumbles.

"I don't think so" you replied Tightly holding onto your magazine.

"She doesn't think so, dude" one of the many bikers jested.

You try your best to leave the situation to the best of your ability. Whilst trying to get away one of the bikers lurched over and held your arm.

You loved fashion, it was one of the only things that you genuinely loved. So when a bunch of bikers starts harassing you while you were holding your beloved magazine. It was only human nature to start screeching your head off.

"GET OFF OF ME" you yelped. Pulling your arm out of his grip you grabbed your beloved magazine and mochi and booked it across the street.

When you were halfway across the biker chased after you on your motorbike "I've got wheels ya know" he yelled after you.

The moment you got on the sidewalk you turned around just in time to watch the man get run over by a truck.

The rest of the bikers rushed away on their bikes leaving you completely frozen on the sidewalk.

His passing had made you numb to most things, death being one of them. His name was Goda Kazuki, he was always sick you knew that since the very beginning. He had a weak heart and an ever developing brain tumour that doctors no matter what refused to remove. Stating that it would cause more harm then good. You remembered the day he died vividly. At that point in time you were still very close with Light Yagami.

Although after Goda's death you both drifted from one another. You were still friends but you both knew that without Goda nothing would be the same.

Goda's death made you a reclusive, envious and vain. You were still fundamentally you though. Light on the other hand had become a wreckage with only a pretty shell left. Although if you looked hard enough you could still see some semblance of him left. And what little their was of him had convinced you to stay.

Getting through cram school that night was difficult for Y/n.

Every minute felt like pure torture as the only thing she could think of was that biker getting run over. She didn't feel guilty by any means it was just having to see his dead carcass. He looked like a roadkill that was run over multiple times. Although that didn't take away from the bitter taste in her mouth.

It was around eight o'clock when she was finally able to leave.

Y/n checked her notebook

. New egg magazine x.

cat food x

. cram school x

. study

Checking off cram school y/n closed her notebook, and put it back in her bag.

Whatever was left of Light Yagami was strange to you.

To others, he probably didn't seem so complicated. He was probably the closest thing to perfection with his good grades, friendly demeanor, and pretty face.

If you were being honest to yourself, that was probably why you found him so strange.

Still as strange as he was, he was your only friend. You went to cram school together and lived fairly near each other; because of this he often walked you home escpecialy in the winter.

So imagine your shock to realize that Light Yagami the golden boy shell himself had ditched cram school that evening. You found that out an hour ago, in which you spent thirty minutes waiting for him.

It also didn't help that it was pouring raining. So here you were, your makeup running down your face, hair ruined and your dignity in tatters.

Arguably the worst part of your situation was the fact that this whole debacle wasn't even interesting enough to tell your cat. That was in your eyes the worst possible situation.

You felt like you were freezing to death. it was one of the many downsides of wearing a mini skirt in the middle of winter, but then again freezing to death looking hot is always a good way to go.

As you got out your phone from one of your skirt pockets, you shielded it with your hand to read the time. 21:00.

You realistically were gonna get home at around 21:10. Your mom was more than likely going to be waiting for you....fuck.

Well at least you didn't freeze to death, but if you were being honest with yourself you would've taken your chances with the cold if it meant you weren't sitting across from your mother at this very moment.

Your mother was a fervent, manipulative, and easily provocable woman. Other than her eyes usually being hollow, with the occasional spark of anger once in a while. She was quite beautiful even with her heavy eyebags. But she was hung up on her former glory and constantly berated you for not being worth the destruction of her beauty.

Your mother simply sat their, red wine in hand.

"So are you planning on telling your mother why you were so late". you knew she didn't care how valid your excuse was, she was still going to find a way to be pissed.

Looking down at your lap you began "I was waiting for a friend" she sipped some of her wine "he didn't go to cramschool today so I ended up waiting for him, he didn't show"

"Was it that Yagami kid?".


She simply sighed

"And tell me why you decided dressing like a prostitute in this weather was a good idea"

"W-Well I-I"

"You know what? I don't really care. Just leave already.

Your mother put her glass down. The tension was so palpable you could cut it with a knife. She waved her hand in a dismissive manner. You could finally leave.

You shot up and bolted to your room. The less you had to deal with that woman the better.

Once you were in your room you dropped everything and went over to finally be able to read your new magazine in peace. 

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