♡the most bedazzling detective♡

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♡Day 19♡

Your mother always thought you were a disappointment. You lugging around a bulletin board to place in your room made that feeling grow ten fold. Having said that though your mothers opinion didn't matter when you had more pressing matters to cover.

Painting the bulletin board a pale pink took you around a day. Bedazzling it with sparkly stickers took you another day. Getting all of the information you knew on said bulletin board took around another two days.

You had completely forgotten about your school work instead focusing all of your time and energy into what the death note was.

Currently it was a rainy Sunday evening. You were wearing a fairly baggy dark pink sweater with purple short-shorts. It wasn't your most fashionable of looks but right now you had to solve a mystery goddamnit.

Your tv was running in the background, you had few channels to listen too. All of the fashion channels were western and you weren't bothered to translate the English to Japanese in your head. Their were a couple of dramas on but you had watched them over and over to the point you memorised the whole script. The rest of the channels were just kids shows so you were stuck with the news. All of the news stations were busy covering Kira and the many new victims he was racking up. Everybody worried at which criminal was next on the chopping block.

You had multiple different bullet points on the death note pinned on the board. Pieces of hot pink thread linking thoughtout them all. You weren't much of an artist but you tried your best to draw a fairly shitty drawing of the demon that you know knew was somewhat bound to the death note.

The photos you had taken when you first encountered the death note came in much more handy than you had exepected.

The rules were morbid to say the least.

The human whose name is written in this note shall die.
This note will note take effect unless the writer has the persons face in there mind when writing his/her name.
There for people sharing the same name will not be affected.
If the cause of death is written within the next forty seconds of wring the persons name it will happen.
If the case of death is not specified the person will simply die of a heart attack.
After writing the case of death details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds .

Although the most important part was what the Shinigami had said on the bus. Multiple of his statements had made it sound like the hijacker could only see it once he touched the note that light had dropped.

And that claim could only lead to one conclusion. that Light knew about the Shinigami that was trailing him. Plus it seemed as if he had someone else talilign him, or as the Shinigami called him the 'shadow'. The shadow could've been nearly anyone but your best bet was that it was the man sitting directly behind light. It was evident he gave light some form of I.D. why was he tailing light you had no clue but he didn't seem to be too dangerous to Light, just as if he bothered him.

Their was one thing that truly bothered you though. Something that you really didn't want to believe. The fact that light knew about the Shinigami that was following him. Your only conclusion was that the death note was real and after that followed the fact that Light could possibly be...Kira. It would make sense, as much as you didn't want too.

Light had always believed in fairness and justice. When you and light were younger, when you both had started high school, a serial killer had been caught after killing around a dozen young women. He was an ugly man, around 45 who had gotten his kicks off of dismembering young women's bodies, he would choose young women from ages 15-31.
The most prolific thing about him was that when the police raided his home he had ripped the young women's eyes out and had collected them in a pickle jar in his fridge. He came from a rich family though so he wasn't given the death penalty, something the public raged about. You couldn't sleep properly for weeks, terrified that he would somehow come and rip your eyes out.

(under reconstruction!!!) A Gyaru's Guide To Surviving KiraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ