♡A Shinigami, A gyaru and a mass murder walk onto a bus♡

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envy was something that came very naturally to you and seeing Yuri hanging off of light by his arm didn't help in the slightest. Hell, you weren't even into light like that, sure he was attractive and smart and you did sort of like him before that weird-ass demon started following him.

Yet jealousy was coursing through you're veins for no good reason. Was it because light looked like he didn't want to be there? No, absolutely not. You suppose you shouldn't be surprised you had nearly everything you wanted, not nescasarily out of birthright but because you worked hard. So having something that couldn't be yours anymore really pissed you off.

Especially going to Yuri of all people. Yuri was pretty you'd give her that but her personality was similar to Haruka's but to you more infuriating. Her intent was barely ever pure, she was always self-serving. And although you were somewhat similar she never failed to annoy you. Was Yuri even his type? You always reckoned he'd go for someone like Kotoko, who was somewhat serious and mature. Not Yuri who was bubbly and quite the opposite of smart.

The only reason you knew about the date in the first place is because Yuri wouldn't shut up about it. She was evidently excited and multiple girls were whispering about it in either excitement, anger, or jeolousy. A girl who was particularly vexed about their date was Seiko, she had always been very vocal about being into Light. So having her best friend get asked out on a date by the guy she's been crushing might as well have been the end of times for her.

And what were you doing? Sitting on the bus next to Haruka listening to her complain about being caught in the middle of the two once previous friends. You didn't blame her for being annoyed, you probably would've burst a blood vessel trying to mend the now broken friendship between the two girls.

"it's just Seiko is so stubborn and won't even listen to Yuri!" Haruka explained completely exasperated. You simply patted her on the shoulder.

"well, who do you think is in the right Wanatabe-san?" You asked curiously. You really did wanna know what Haruka thought about the situation. she usually was one of the few in your year to actually talked to you, and you never bit the hand that fed you.

"Oh, definitely Yuri" Haruka replied surprisingly fast. "I mean seriously, Yuri is so much prettier than her! What else did she expect?

'Damn Haruka'

"Eh, I kinda disagree" Kotoko butted in. She was sitting behind the two of you, the headphones she had abandoned to eavesdrop on you in her hand.

"Its totally backstabby to just completely abandon your friend like that for a boy"

'Valid point'

"Seiko doesn't own light though! They haven't even gone on a date or anything. Light-Kun is his own person who shouldn't have to date someone who's totally ugly"

'True, but did you have to word it like that?' you thought starting to feel uncomfortable. You were here for gossip, not a fight.

Looking out the window you drowned out the rest of their conversation. If you were being honest thinking too much about light gave you a headache. You still haven't found out what the hell was up about the demon following him.
The worst part about the creature was it was nearly always talking or laughing. You could no longer enjoy a conversation with light without the loudest cackle you've ever heard interrupt you. You also weren't a good actress and liar so having to act like everything was fine was torture.

But you were still too scared to confront him. I mean seriously who knows what could happen to you.

Well, the one thing you defiantly didn't expect to happen on this not so fine morning was being asked out on a date. You weren't popular with guys. You were definitely pretty but you never really went out of you're way to talk to them. plus majority of the guys and girls around you automatically assume that you're a prostitute for how you looked and dressed. One of the many downsides of being a Gyaru. The amount of times you'd been grabbed at or have had older men try to pay for your time was way too high for being a high schooler.

(under reconstruction!!!) A Gyaru's Guide To Surviving KiraWhere stories live. Discover now