♡Divine? no Ryuk♡

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♡Day 6 ♡
You were a simple girl living in a simple world. Well, that's what you thought until you saw whatever the fuck was following Light Yagami.
You held a lot of respect for him, he was your friend to a certain degree. So seeing some weird-ass demon start to hover over him, scared the literal shit out of you.

The worst thing was absolutely no one was acting as if anything was wrong like this was just another Tuesday.Were you hallucinating it? If you were being honest you'd probably say you were. Should you say something?

What would you even say?Oh hey, their Yagami-san how are you, yeah theirs some weird-ass bat demon-looking thing following you...yeah he's dressed like some edgy kid with a black feathered boa.

'well that's a no-go' you thought desperately. The best thing to do was to just sort of pretended it didn't exist. The last thing you needed right now was to be locked in an asylum for the mentally insane

You must've been staring at that thing for so long because Yuri started snapping her fingers in your face.

"hey earth to L/N-san"

Snapping out of your haze you looked up at yuri.

"sorry Owari-san I just got distracted," you said awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck.
Yuri hummed and glanced at where I was staring. light seemed to have shifted a bit so now he was in your past line of sight. Fuck. You knew Yuri liked light, hell the majority of girls in your year let alone school did.

Yuri's face seemed to have scrunched up in jealousy and worry. She turned to face you"so L/n san are their boys you like in the school" you could tell her question was laced with worry.Shit, you couldn't tell her that you didn't have one because then she must assume you have a budding one on light. The only way to get out of this situation was to lie.

"Uhm....probably Kairi?" You said 'Wow you really couldn't have sounded more convincing could you Y/n' you thought bitterly as you shut your locker.Yuri seemed to have deflated from relief. You didn't expect her to fall for it but she was probably desperate enough to believe it. It was as if you told her she got a one way ticket to the college of her dreams.

Yuri now had a smile plastered on her face. Good, that seemed to have thrown her off of your trail.

"well that's good, I was worried you liked Yagami-san" she giggled, her smile was so bright your eyes felt like they were staring at the sun.

you simply shrugged "he's not my type" well that was a bare faced lie. if you were being honest to yourself you knew that any hot person that showed you a shred of attention, romantic or not was 100% your type. unless they didn't like your cat, that was a dealbreaker.

after that whole debacle both of you kept walking until you got into homeroom she wouldn't stop talking about some sort of keto diet she was trying. you weren't one to shame a woman for what she eats but whatever sort of demon food yuri was trying couldn't have been even remotely healthy.

settling down in your seat in the back, you let out a sigh and waited for your homeroom teacher to come in.

"psssst L/N-san" Turning your head you looked over to the person sitting next to you, himiko. himiko leaned in ridiculously close, your noses nearly touching.

"Ikari-san, what the actual fuck are you doing," you said.

himiko was an Interesting Individual. One time during second year Kotoko swore she saw her eating a live rat. You found her somewhat tolerable minus her weird-ass habit of eating nearly everything that probably shouldn't be eaten. she often wore bright Amekaji fashion. she had her hair bleached into a bright yellow, not even trying to make her hair look natural.

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