twelve [nsfw]

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"We're going to see the Reeves."

You jerk your head up from your computer. "We- who?"

Levi raises his eyebrows at you. "You still have working ears, Intern? Our contract with the Reeves is up in December, as you caught two weeks ago. I've arranged a meeting with them tomorrow. You'll be coming along."

"I will?" you say in surprise.

"You could take me instead," Connie pipes up from his desk, shamelessly eavesdropping on your conversation with Levi. "Greenie, if you don't want to go, I will happily take your place-"

"No fair!" Sasha protests, sticking her hand in the air. "I want to go too, sir!"

"You only want to go because of the buffet," Jean calls. 

"Weren't you permanently banned?" Marco asks.

Sasha waves a hand. "They can't keep me out."

"I'm not asking any of you idiots," Levi snaps, "I'm asking her, because she's the one that caught the mistake and saved us from losing their business. Can any of you say the same?"

There's a pause.

Connie tries, "I trained her-"

"No, that was me," Eren objects from a table further away.

"I did most of the training!" Sasha protests.

"None of you trained me," you say with a roll of your eyes. "If anything, Mikasa did the most."

"That's true," Mikasa agrees from her desk.

"I don't give a shit who trained who," your boss says with a sigh, looking more tired than irritated. "This isn't of concern to any of you. You," he says pointedly, glaring at you, "are coming with me tomorrow afternoon. Got it?"

You raise an eyebrow. "Do I have a choice?"

Levi uncrosses his arms just to clamp a hand on your shoulder. "This is why she's coming," he says, his fingers digging into your shoulder, "and not any of you morons."

"That doesn't make any sense!" Connie protests as Levi lets go and heads back to his office, leaving you to place your fingers where his hand had been. "That explains nothing!"

For once, you agree with Connie, but Levi's never exactly been one to thoroughly explain his choices and actions. You shrug, then go back to your computer, closing down the spreadsheet you were working on and pulling up the file on the Reeves. 

Guess you're going on a field trip tomorrow.


You and Levi leave midafternoon the next day to head downtown. The last time you'd gone on a work trip, it had been to record notes at the budget meeting back in October. Seeing how well that meeting had gone, you're not entirely sure why Levi's brought you along this time.

So, halfway through your trip, you decide to ask. "Hey, boss," you ask, "why'd you bring me along?"

"You're more professional than any of the other idiots I could've brought," Levi replies immediately. "Sasha's banned from the Reeves because she took the all-you-can-eat buffet too seriously. Connie once fell into the fountain in the lobby of a huge corporate building. Eren accidentally made a sexist comment against the CEO of one company we were pitching to, and she kicked him out before he could finish."

"Actually?" you say in surprise. "I thought they were joking."

"I wish they were," he says with a tired sigh. 

no funny business  |  levi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now