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You bring in the baked goods bright and early Wednesday morning. Historia takes the containers you packed them in with a grateful smile, tells you that they look delicious, and stacks them on top of a few other tupperware containers that you're assuming the others brought in.

"Look at you, doing all of Levi's crap," Jean says with a snort as you go to your desk. 

You roll your eyes. "That's literally my job."

"Yeah, but he should've been the one to bake, so he can suffer too," the brunet objects, leaning back in his chair. "I burnt, like, three trays of cookies."

"That's no one's fault but your own," Marco says pleasantly.

"Marco! You're supposed to be on my side!"

You sigh softly, your lip twitching up into a grin. "Levi did help, actually," you say, waving to Hange as they come in the door.

"I'll believe it when I see it," Jean says with a snort.

Hange laughs, squeezing your shoulder as they walk by. "Yeah, Levi was in here late last night," they say. "I came back in to grab something I'd forgotten at, like, nine, and he was still here."

You frown. "Really?"

"Yeah," Hange says. "Something about reports that needed finishing."

"Oh," you say in surprise. You feel a bit better now- you'd originally thought that he'd been using work as an excuse to leave. You straighten yourself up. "Well, he did help me out," you insist, willing to at least try and make sure his effort is acknowledged. "He sort of helped me bake- and then he cleaned."

Hange laughs. "He can never resist a good cleaning."

"He seriously helped you?" Jean asks with wide eyes.

"Who helped who?" Connie asks, walking over to his desk.

Marco nods at you. "Captain actually helped out Greenie with her baking."

Connie's eyebrows shoot to the top of his head. "Seriously?" he asks, sitting himself down. "Did you blackmail him?"

"I suspect blackmail," Hange agrees.

You shrug sheepishly. "Maybe a bit."

"Damn!" they say with a laugh, squeezing your shoulder. "Greenie's got balls."

Levi's office door opens, and all eyes turn to look at him. "Oi," he says, glaring at you. "Where's my tea?"

"On its way, sir," you reply. "Anything in particular?"

"Something to wake me up," he responds. Before anyone can get another word in, Levi slams his office door closed, shutting himself inside.

Hange whistles. "Someone's in a mood today."

"I'd better get him his tea before he takes it out on me," you joke, standing up. 

"Don't cry!" Connie suggests as you head to the kitchen.

Turns out, Levi's much more focused on his work than anything else. You bring him his tea and he barely looks up; he tells you he emailed you your work for today. As you always do, you tell him to just call you if he needs anything, and you leave him to his devices.

Strangely enough, you don't see him all day. His door remains closed. He's sent you enough to keep you occupied, but normally he stops to check up on you at least twice a day- once in the morning, once in the afternoon. 

He's just busy, you tell yourself. It's not you. He's just busy.

At the end of the day, he still hasn't talked to you, so you knock on his door before you pack up. "It's open," you hear him reply gruffly, and you push into his office. It's the messiest you've ever seen him: hair disheveled, reports thrown across his desk, messy stacks of files that look like they're going to fall over.

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