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The party, surprisingly, does make you feel a bit better. Hange's once again gone all out; the warehouse is decorated with tinsel and streamers, wreaths, and there's even a Christmas tree in the far corner. There's a few tables lined with appetizers and drinks, and you mingle with your coworkers- your friends- and chat about holiday plans.

Someone's managed to force a Santa hat onto Erwin's head. The only thing he's said to you all day is "let me know your decision before the day's over."

You've got until 5 pm, then. So you've only got an hour, give or take.

There's a part of you that's still holding onto hope. Hope that Levi will come around. It's foolish, you know, but you don't want to end up taking the job here solely because you're hoping that Levi will have a change of heart.

"This is for you," Bertolt says, handing you a box.

You frown. "What for?"

The rest of the office workers from your floor have banded around him- looks like they're all in on this. "The bet," Reiner says, elbowing Bertolt in the side. "Technically, you were the closest."

You sigh, rolling your eyes. "Oh, come on, you didn't have to."

"We wanted to," Sasha pipes up, nudging you.

"Open it!" Connie encourages.

Smiling slightly, you pull the lid off of the box. There's a card inside, and underneath the card is a mug. You pull it out of the box and laugh: World's Best Intern is etched onto the side. Inside the mug is a gift card, and upon closer examination, you realize it's for Scouts.

Your mouth falls open. "You guys," you say in awe, looking up at your coworkers. "This is- this is so sweet. You didn't have to."

"Of course we did!" Eren says with a laugh. "You were the best intern, by far."

"We're going to miss you," Armin adds.

Ymir laughs. "You've spoiled us. The next one's going to be a total wimp and we'll be back to crying in three days."

"Ymir," Historia scolds lightly.

"I've already put money on two days," Jean says, grinning.

Your heart swells in your chest, and you set the mug back in the box so that you can open the card. Everyone's signed it and left little messages behind.

We'll miss you!

Hopefully your next boss is better than Levi!

Don't forget about us!

Crap, you can feel tears spiking at your eyes. Screw whatever the hell sort of problems you've got with Levi- you're going to stay. How could you leave these people? These people who have been nothing but funny and so kind to you?

Fuck it. You're going to stay. "You guys," you say, looking up at everyone. "I-"

"Greenie!" Hange's hand clamps onto your shoulder and you nearly jump. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Startled, you struggle for your answer momentarily. "Sure?" you say.

"Here," Historia says, reaching for your box. "I can go put this on your desk for you."

"Thank you," you say gratefully, handing it over. The blonde smiles and vanishes, heading towards the elevators. Hange pulls you, and you bid a quick goodbye to the rest of the office staff before they can drag you away. "Where're we going?"

"Outside," they quip.

"Isn't it snowing?"

"Not yet, I don't think." Hange shoves open a door, and you follow them outside. It's actually sort of nice outside: there's no wind, no snow falling down, and the sun is shining. The air is crisp, but it's manageable.

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