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"He said that?" Jenny yelps, slapping her hand over her mouthful of popcorn that she was attacking. Her eyes wide and her cheeks red, embarrassed for me.

It's 11 in the morning, and as soon as I woke up today I called Jenny to tell her to get here as soon as possible. I would've done it last night but I was mentally and physically drained from yesterday's events, I could barely even walk up the stairs from how scattered my brain was. My mind was filled with worries and questions, not being able to process anything that happened. I told myself to sleep on it and allow myself to rest, but I'm still just as confused as yesterday.

It was a beautiful day today, the sun shining bright and the skies blue. I could practically hear people swimming and laughing on the beach from my house. So, I called Jenny over and now here we are on the back porch, eating snacks while I explain to her everything that's happened. I needed some clarity from her to know I'm not the only one who thinks that this whole situation is exhausting, infuriating, and confusing.

"Yes, he said that." I say, nodding my head and forming my lips in a line. Jenny shakes her head and nods at my words, chewing her popcorn.

"Wow, Olivia. You've really gotten yourself into a mess." She says, snorting a little and shaking her head. I don't crack a smile though as I glare at her, and she immediately wipes the grin off of her face. "Sorry, too early." She mumbles quietly.

"This is serious Jenny. I literally have no idea what to do." I say, shutting my eyes and taking a deep breath in, running my fingers through my tangled hair that desperately needed to be washed and dealt with.

I can hear Jenny shuffle in her seat, scooting closer to me. I look up at her with tired eyes, and she returns it with sympathetic ones. I know she truly felt sorry for me and worried, but sometimes Jenny just can't take things seriously. It's not her fault, she just sometimes uses humor to escape or cope from serious situations. Sometimes it's nice to lighten the mood, but other times it can make things more stressful.

"Well, do you... you know..." She asks, her voice and words trailing off at the end like she was waiting for me to answer for her. I knew what she was asking, and I could feel my heart skip a beat with just the thought of it. Her eyes dance between mine, patiently waiting for answer. I take a deep breath in, thinking about it for a moment before continuing.

"I don't know." I sigh, shaking my head in disapproval of my own answer. Shouldn't I know how I feel? I should be able to decide whether or not I love Harry. But for some reason I just can't figure it out. I want to love him, I really do, but at the same time I don't want to get hurt again.

"Hey, don't think about it too much Liv." She says, resting her hand on mine. I look up at her worried face, giving her a small smile of thankfulness and a nod. "Harry fucking Styles just told you he loved you, so it's ok if you need some time to process it."

I couldn't help but chuckle a little, shutting my eyes and tossing my head back at her words. It's still a bit odd to think about the fact that two months ago I had never met this man and all he was to me was a person on a tabloid I would see at the grocery store. Now he's so much more than that, he's taken over my whole life.

"I love... well I love the way he looks at me." I say, looking up at Jenny as I speak to her, a shy smile creeping on to my lips. "I love the way his dimples appear when he smiles, or even smirks. Oh god, and his smile— his two front teeth are the tiniest bit longer then the others, it's adorable." I smile, thinking about his bunny teeth that make him look so sweet, quite different from his intimidating complex.

"What else?" Jenny asks, edging me to go on.

"His eyes, his eyes are beautiful." I say, thinking about the way his eyes would strike me every time I looked in them. "They're like a forest green, piercing and unforgettable. And his accent, oh my god you couldn't forget that charming accent even if you tried." I say, shaking my head and feeling a smile creep up on my lips. "It's charming, it swept me off my feet the first day I met him."

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