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play the song when you see the **

Harry Styles

The car ride was completely silent.

There was just the faint sound of the distant waves crashing onto the shore mixed with the quiet radio and the wind blowing around us. Olivia was sat in the passenger seat with her elbow propped against the side compartment of the door, her chin resting on her palm as she watched the quiet beach town pass by us.

She hasn't said a word since we left the condo, and I honestly don't even know what to think right now. I just found out about so much shit, and I mind can't even process it right now. I honestly don't know how I am able to drive right now considering how scattered and confused my brain feels. I don't really know how to take in all the information Olivia's mother gave me, all I know is that I am fucking pissed.

I can't even wrap my head around the fact that Olivia's father was abusive. Sure, I knew he was a dickhead simply from all the rumors about Olivia and her family that have been circling around for years, but never did I think he was abusive. I was in utter shock when I found out, and it hurt me even more when I found out that Olivia's mother blamed her for it. It felt like I was being punched in the stomach when I saw Olivia's broken tear filled eyes yelling at her mom to leave.

God— I hate that I care about her so much.

I really do. I hate that Olivia has me wrapped around her finger already. It's only been— what? A month? God, I don't even know. But she is fucking addictive, everything about her just keeps drawing me in and I can't stop. Her laugh, her smile, her eyes, her humor, everything about her.

It annoys the fuck out of me that I actually start to miss her when I am not with her for more than a day. It annoys me that anytime she walks into a room I can't take my eyes off of her. Or when she laughs or looks at me with those brown eyes I can't help but feel that warm feeling spread throughout me. It's like everything about her is so inviting.

I glance over at her as we were driving down the empty road. Her eyes were a bit glossy and red still, and I watched as they scanned all the small empty shops around us. Her hair was being blown behind her from the wind, and she had my sunglasses rested on top of her head, bringing her front strands of hair behind her ears. She wore a white shirt with blue jeans shorts, and a couple rings on her hands, one of them being mine. When did she take my ring?

"I like the ring you're wearing." I say, smiling a little. Her head shoots in my direction before glancing down at her hand with my silver rose ring on it.

"Oh gosh— sorry I didn't even realize I was still wearing it. I was looking through them earlier and tried a couple on... They were on your dresser and—"

"It's fine babe." I say, cutting her off when she started to ramble. "It looks better on you anyways." I smirk.

She looks down shyly before bringing her attention back to the window, and I can't help but admire her smile. It was so genuine, and—

"Harry!" She suddenly bursts out, her attention turning to the road ahead of us, and I realize I accidentally ran a red light because I was looking at her.

"Oops." I smirk, continuing to drive down the empty road. Olivia chuckles beside me, bringing her hand to her face and laughing into it.

I look around and realized we were at the spot I was looking for, and I make an abrupt sharp left turn. We turn onto a bumpy gravel road, and Olivia looks around in confusion as I keep my eyes ahead of us.

Rising Stars [H.S]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon