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Well, fuck.

I thought to myself as I stand frozen in front of the door with my mother on the other side.

I have two options here, I could just not answer the door, and stay inside all day patiently waiting for her to give up and leave, or I could open the door and talk to my mother. Knowing my mom, she'd probably wait outside forever if it means eventually I would have to open this door.

"Do you uh— do you need me to go?" Harry speaks up, causing me to shoot my eyes to his direction. I immediately put my pointer finger over my lips, trying to get him to be quiet.

"Shh." I mouth to him. He furrows his eyebrows before forming his lips into a line and nodding, not even going to question it.

"Olivia, I know you're in there. I just heard you and that... Styles boy." She scoffs, making me shut my eyes and cringe. There's no use hiding from her.

God help me— I really do not want to speak with her. She's always breathing on the back of my neck, constantly trying to control me. I take a deep breath before grabbing the cold door handle and pulling it open.

The first thing I noticed were the shiny pearls hanging around her neck. They were white, shiny, glossy, and extremely expensive. I noticed how they hung perfectly around the neck of her purple velvety v-neck that flowed down to her mid-thigh, where she wore tight black pants. Most old women can't pull off tight leggings, but she's always had great legs.
Her hair was definitely turning a bit grayer, but it still had that awful bleach blonde dye in it.

Her skin looked older, more stretched out, more wrinkles. She had lines across her forehead now and faint ones on the sides of her eyes. Hey eyes— they were still that shiny ocean blue that I was always so jealous of. I never understood how I ended up with brown eyes when both my father and my mother had bright blue eyes.

"Well, it's good to see you Olivia." My mother speaks up with her faint souther accent and scratchy familiar voice.

"Hi mom." I smile, cocking my head to the side and meeting eyes with her. Her nimble arms were crossed over her chest, and she shifted her weight from her left foot to her right foot, an annoyed cheeky expression on her face.

"May I come in?" She asks, keeping direct eye contact with me, not even bothering to look at Harry.

I step to the side, opening the door for her to walk in. She nods as she steps through the door frame and into the house, her black boots squeaking on the hardwood floor. I close the door behind her and put my back against the door, standing behind her and carefully watching her every move. She stands about three feet in front of the door, looking around the whole house and observing it all, still not giving one bit of attention to Harry.

"It's a bit dark in here, don't you think Harry?" She charmingly says, putting her hands on her hips before turning her head to Harry with a cheeky grin plastered on her face.

What the hell?

"Uhm— I—"

"Here, lets open these blinds." I widen my eyes out of surprise and watch her as she confidently strides over to the small windows, reaching her arms up and opening the blinds very carefully, letting the sunlight peak through, brightening up the room.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I ask as she continues to circle around the living room, stopping by each window to open the blinds, causing it to become brighter in the whole house.

"Oh well you know— I haven't seen my baby girl in almost a year. I figured you know— maybe you would call or text, tell me how things are going." She states very calmly. It was making me nervous how relaxed and calm she was. It made me think that any second she could blow up.

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