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Looking out the window I watched as the dark green trees passed on each side of the car, that was rumbling down a shallow path. If I didn't know better I would think I was driving down to some sort of big palace with a fairytale prince or something waiting for me. But I knew better, I knew it was just a job, for a person people like to call cold, conceited, emotionless, unempathetic, you name it. But it paid well, and I needed the money at the moment. Just six months working there should be enough, if not less.

As the trees disappeared from the path I looked out the front window, it was bigger than I thought. It wasn't some sort of big mansion that everyone would think it to be. You could still call it a mansion, a small one. It was more a mansion in the grounds that laid around it. The bright green fields, and the greenhouse, which I doubted he took care of himself, from what I had heard of him. But the house in itself, was big enough to have a good proper kitchen, at least six bathrooms, three bedrooms and probably also a guestroom. If that was a lot in general I didn't know, but it was for me. After all, it was a big enough house that the owner needed a maid.

"We're here miss," the driver stopped the car and I nodded before grabbing my suitcase and stepping out of the car as I remembered a sentence from the job interview, that replayed in my head as I heard the car drive off behind me.

'My son can be mean and cruel if he doesn't want someone to be around him. And he surely doesn't want a maid nor an assistant at the moment. But the house needs it, he needs it. He will not go easy on you.'

I let out a small huff before walking up to the front door, a house big enough to have doubledoors I see. I let out a small huff before raising my hand and knocking on the door three times before the door got opened by the same woman who had interviewed me.

"Ah, you're here," she smiled widely and stepped aside, "come inside. I'll show you to my son's office."

I nodded at her before following after her up a flight of stairs. The interior wasn't as posh and clean as you would think it would be in a mansion, even a smaller one. It was almost like someone tried to put in normal house decor in a way too big house. It looked odd.

On the second floor the woman led me down a long hallway, with a hideous carpet, if I had to be completely honest. If he doesn't need a maid he definitely needs good taste. 

"Right in here," the woman cooed at me before knocking on the door and opening the door to an office, "you can leave your suitcase out here," she stated before I nodded and placed the suitcase down beside the door and followed her inside.

A broad... boy? Maybe young man. Sat behind a mahogany table... again that hideous carpet. What was it with him and that carpet to be honest?

"If she can't use a doorbell she isn't intelligent enough to work for me," the boy spoke up as he didn't even move his eyes from the paperwork on the table in front of him. I arched a brow in disbelief of his behaviour.

"She will be working here for at least a week," the woman beside me stated before turning to me, "I'll let you introduce yourself. I have to get off to a meeting in town."

I watched as the woman left the room and the door let out a small click, signalling it had now fully closed before I turned back to look at the boy, who still didn't look up from his papers.

"Before you call me stupid another time, maybe check if you have a doorbell," I spoke up making him glance towards my direction, not even looking up or actually looking at more than my shoes.

"How do you know I don't have one?" he questioned in an uninterested tone.

"If you do have one, I believe you've placed it by the wrong door. There surely wasn't one by the front door," I calmly stated.

He let out a sigh before closing the file he was writing in, before placing his pen down neatly on the table. He folded his hands in front of him on the table before he looked up at me. More handsome than I thought... so far, still an asshole.

"How much?" he questioned and I quirked my eyebrows up in confussion.

"Sorry?" I questioned keeping my voice calm and collected.

"How much money should I write out to you for you to resign this exact moment?" he questioned, and I let out a snort and rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm not someone you can just pay off, I'm not some sort of prostitute," I commented, "I'm a worker, not an object."

"As close as," he stated and I arched a brow before poking my tongue out in my cheek, "now tell me, how much money do you need to resign?"

"I'm not resigning," I shook my head at him.

"You'll need the money for something," he stated and I hummed at him, "no one takes such a high paying job, when they've heard people speaking so ill of the boss."

"My reasons is none of your business," I shook my head at him, "I'm not resigning. I'm gonna work here and earn my money. If you don't want me here, fire me."

"I can't," he stated, "I'm legally not allowed to fire you."

"And why is that?" I questioned and his look on me turned sharp.

"I didn't hire you," he coldly replied, "now go to your room. I don't want you here right now. A schedule of your work should be hung up on your noticeboard. I didn't make the schedule, I don't care for it," he stated and picked up his pen once more and looked down at his papers.

"You're not gonna make sure I get a tour of the house?" I questioned him.

"If you're so incredibly intelligent as you think you are, you'll do just fine on your own," he calmly spoke.

"Very well then," I hummed with a small nod, before turning towards the door to leave the room.

"And," he spoke up.

"What?" I almost snapped as I turned to look at him.

"Phone on the table," he stated and tapped the bottom of his pen on his table, not even looking up.

"I'll need it," I stated and he shook his head.

"No distractions on work," he shook his head, "if anyone wants to get in contact with you, it'll be through me. My mother should've made sure that your relations know that."

I let out a small huff before pulling out my phone and turning it off completely before walking over and placing it on his table.

"Your name should be on the door of your room," he spoke and slid my phone down into one of his drawers, "now go. I don't want to see you any time soon."

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