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It had been quiet in the house all day, and I honestly found it relatively boring to just stay home and think of new ways to help Sunghoon with his alcohol problem. It wasn't like we talked a lot when he came home either, he was always so tired and just ended up falling asleep on the couch until dinner, which he rarely had the appetite to eat anyways.

"Are you coming to bed with me?" Sunghoon questioned from behind me as I sat by the dining table, trying to fill out a form the hospital had sent me as a pre-questioning for Sunghoon's medical exam.

"Hmm... like ten minutes," I hummed and scanned the document in front of me, "I got a mail from Jihoon's rehabilitation clinic as well, I'll come to bed after that."

"Promise?" Sunghoon questioned, to which I immediately nodded.

"How long did you have your alcohol problems?" I questioned, reading the next question out loud.

"Since I was 17," he replied, only earning a hum from me, "what is that...? Like five years?"

"Yup," I shortly replied, a small headache playing in my forehead, right behind my eyes.

"Just leave it for tomorrow Love," Sunghoon whispered when I rubbed my forehead with one hand while using the other to scroll up and down the screen in front of me, "you need rest."

"I haven't gotten anything but rest this past week," I shook my head before pulling myself together and straightening myself up.

"Your body has rested, but your mind has been stressed, hasn't it?" Sunghoon questioned as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck, "I sense that you're off, you know?"

"I just need to answer these... three more questions and check that mail from the rehabilitation clinic, okay? I'll be in bed before you know it," I remarked and he quietly nodded before slowly straightening up again.

He patted my shoulders softly before I looked back at the questions in front of me. It was needed for Sunghoon to be there seeing as it was for the close relations of the person who was in need of possible rehabilitation.

The last three questions was answered relatively quickly before I sent them back to the hospital. Now I just had to check the remaining mail, which was very short and simpy worded compared to what I was used to.

Addressed to miss Jung Sieun

We can now inform your brother Jung Jihoon has been discharged due to misbehavior and spiking multiple nurses.

-Rehabilitation Clinic West

I let out a small sigh at the message, rubbing my face in my hands. So now I either had to just let him be and let him ruin his body and life or I could take him in and try to help his rehabilitation meanwhile I was trying to help Sunghoon.

I quickly slammed close my laptop before getting up and rushing back to the bedroom, ridding me of my necklace on my nighttable before I laid down beside Sunghoon, who still was wide awake and patiently watched as I laid down beside him.

"You should sleep instead of waiting for me," I softly reminded him as I turned off my nightlamp, the only light left in the room was now Sunghoon's nightlamp, which illuminated the room in soft and warm light.

"I don't want to sleep before you sleep beside me," he whispered and I smiled softly before turning to brush his hair out of his face.

"Your afternoon naps is an exception, then?" I questioned and he let out a small laugh before rubbing his eyes.

"I can't help those," he shook his head, "I almost feel like I'm going to collaps in fatigue when I get home. As if my life depends on me getting sleep the moment I get home."

"But what about dinner?" I questioned and he sighed before reaching an arm over and wrapping it behind me, pulling me flush against him.

"I don't know," he murmured as he closed his eyes and rested his forehead against mine, "I just... can't eat."

I quietly hummed as I carefully played with his hair growing just at the top of his nape, earning a small content hum from him as he hugged me closer and pressed his face into the place between my shoulder and neck, softly brushing his lips against my bare skin as a small kiss.

"Thank you Sieun," he whispered, to which I hummed in return, "you don't know how much this mean to me... please don't leave me yet."

"I'm not Sunghoon," I quietly spoke, looking at the nightlamp right across from me.

I don't know, there was something about the situation I found myself in that felt so hopeless, but I knew this wasn't about me. This was about helping Sunghoon out of his deep shit and then with time I could find place to help my brother too. I could first think about myself once I've assured that they're both out of their addictions and living happily.

"I'm working hard, I promise," Sunghoon whispered as I just nodded and ran my hand through his hair, "I swear Sieun."

"I believe you," I whispered in assurance as he pulled me closer to him and let a hand rest between my shoulderblades almost as if he believed that I would disappear if he didn't hold me close enough.

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