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The scream of anguish and pain rang through the dark and stinking hallways of the dungeon. 

The men that watched over each of the dirty cells that had criminals of people who committed treason inside winced, uncontrollably shuffling on their place as they felt unexplainable fear ate them from the inside. 

As the sound continues, Marcus sat down over the chair comfortably while he is completely enjoying the scene in front of him.

Alessia tied down over the steel chair while the beta sliced off her fingers one by one

Her beautiful nails pulled out and tossed aside beside the chair before slicing her fingers off

The Alpha king watched in contentment as the rage inside of him didn't lessen, not even a little bit 

The sadness of losing his queen eating him up from the inside slowly, torturing him. 

 He would have followed after her, but he could not. He has a son to look after, the most precious gift his love gave him. 

He could clearly see the slight tremble of the beta, not that the beta likes Alessia one bit. not a bit

But there's this bond that formed when he marked her, a bond with all of the wolves. But despite that, all of the werewolves despised her. They are loyal to their real queen, every one knew her. 

They don't respect and love her just because she's the king's mate. No,  she gained the loyalty of everyone. 

She helped everyone in anyway she could, built up an orphanage to give homeless kids home. A facility to help those people who are old and doesn't have someone to look after them. Gave jobs to helpless people. Gave hope to hopeless ones. 

She's out of everyone's league, the werewolves deeply cares for her. And they hate the king for what he did. 

Marcus sighed out impatiently as he remembered his son that reminds him so much of his wife. 

This is taking too damn long 

He shot up off of his seat before making his way over, taking the bottle of acid with him as he shoved the beta aside to carelessly poured it over the mark on Alessia's neck. 

He felt the burning pain on his mark but he heed no care for it as he gripped her hair while she continued squealing out in pain, not even noticing what he did while she wiggled desperately on her seat. 


He slapped her across the face roughly making her turn her head to the side as more of her tears escaped 

He tightened his grip on her hair as he glared down furiously at her, his jaw clenching as he leaned down to whisper out angrily. 

"You can apologize all you want, but you could never bring her back." he straightened up while still gripping her hair, yanking it back carelessly as she groaned out in pain feeling the roots of her hair getting pulled out. 

He knew it was his fault, he knew it so well. But he couldn't bring to blame himself alone. She took part on it too, if she wouldn't have tried to seduce him nothing should have happened. 

The corner of his lips shot up into a merciless smirk as he watched her being in pain. 

"You would pay for it everyday, I won't kill you. That would be too easy, don't you think?  You'll suffer here everyday. As long as the goddess doesn't bring her back . " He snapped her neck in one move as he felt his beta slightly jumped beside him 

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