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Third person's pov

Celena was left alone after a few hours, although that may seem very unusual. When someone meets their other half, it would take atleast about two months to actually go somewhere without taking their other half with them. 

But on this point they are not any other normal mates. Flavian is a king of the entire vampire race , so it would be his obligation to make sure everything is fine and secure especially now that he has found his mate.

He tightened the security and added more guards to roam around the gardens to prevent anyone that has even the slightest possibility of hurting his mate enter. He doesn't know if she's a normal human, which he doubt she is. She just feel strange but not in a bad way. It's like no one should ever mess with her, that's the feeling she gives off behind her innocent and gorgeous face. 

 Every part of the high council had to go to the west wing where his room is to  convince him to start the preparations about his mate's coronation.So he was left with no other choice but to leave her, for an hour as a maximum because he can't stay longer away from her more than that. He also thought about giving her some space considering the fact that she reincarnated, he had to give her some time to think and adjust to all this. 

That doesn't mean he's giving her a choice though, ofcourse not. He waited centuries for her, he cant just let her go especially now. 

So he went to the room on the very end of the west wing he calls his office to discuss the matters at hand that involves his newfound mate . He also hired two of his best and trusted bodyguards to follow after her secretly and secure her safety without her knowing so she won't freak out. 

He would have sent his butler with her to tour her around but his butler's mate just gave birth so he fought the urge to, repeatedly reminding himself that she's safe almost after every second. 

Meanwhile, Celina walked around the hallway cautiously . Her bare feet making a tiny sound of pitter patter which she cant hear but the vampires around her can. 

He told her he will be gone to fix some issues and she just nodded. She didn't know what else to do so she thought she could go around to explore. He did tell her she should familiarize her way around the castle so she wont get lost. 

After a few turns from each hallway, she finally found a grand staircase leading downstairs on the very edge of the hallway with lines of rooms with fancy doors. 

She grabbed onto the gold coated grill for support before slowly making her way downstairs, feeling as if someone, or some people is watching every move she make and not leaving even a blink unnoticed. 

That mere thought sent a shiver down her spine but she quickly shrugged it off, like who would do that anyway right? 

But she's in a new place, not somewhere she grew up in so she doesn't really know much about her surrounding. 

That thought made her nervous but she tried to shrug off in return , making her walk faster this time towards the huge double doors as the guards merely stared at her  . 

She cant see even a hint of emotion in their face, they were so blank so she didn't really know how to feel. 

Celina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she took in her surrounding once she got outside the huge castle she was in a few seconds ago. She thought it would be about 1 pm by now, which means that it should be bright and hot. But no, the clouds settled on the atmosphere gloomily as if it knows it would be there forever. 

She heard about the land of the vampires, of the kingdom which rivaled theirs but she didn't expect it to always be night. And it's not really that dark, you could tell its not the actual 'night' for them because the moon above is shining brighter than ever. 
She doesn't really know how it happened but she's really amazed by everything she's discovering at the moment. 

She looked around in wander and began making her way towards the sturdy bridge. She stood on the side and held onto the railings , which were by the way coated by gold, she wondered if its real. 

After rubbing her thumb over the shiny surface, she hunched forward slightly to glance down under the bridge, squinting her eyes as she really couldn't form an image below. Just fog, everything is covered with fog. As if there's a river of fog down below.. 

Sighing softly in defeat, her lips puckered to form into a slight childish pout and pulled away. She walked towards the edge of the bridge while clutching the cloak which belonged to Kai around her figure. 

It's not really cold here, despite the absence of the sun. But Kai's cloak made her feel safe and secure in a way, as if he's standing right beside her or keeping her between his arms.  

With that thought in mind, she didn't even notice her lips curled into a shy smile and halted as she gazed up in wonder. 

There were walls at the edge of the bridge, they were high and sturdy. With a huge high gate at the end of the way and a few people guiding defensively. some of the soldiers were ontop of the high wall , holding a binoculars to check the surroundings for potential intruders as the only thought they had in their mind is to be alert and not mess up , to keep the queen that they all longed for safe. 


She mumbled breathlessly in amazement, but that one word from her caught everyone's attention. Maybe it's one of the perk of being a vampire, having a superhuman hearing but she didn't really expect the low sound she made to reach their ears. 

And they normally wouldn't have, but they're on high alert mode and keeping tabs on each and every suspicious sound they hear in case it means danger. 

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