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The raven flew over the mountains, flapping its wings strongly against the fog as it expertly maneuvered through the mountains , its black feathers getting brushed back by the powerful air. 

Marcus' pov

I was clutching the pouch tightly in my strong grip, the seal that was used to cover the scent already discarded on the marbled floor as I threw daggers at the thing I was holding as if it would burn or disappear.

The moment I knew MY Queen Luna was alive, I , like the damn wind, quickly mind linked every body which is a member of my pack to search or gather information to where she is. 

And just to my luck, one of the elder witches that was serving the kingdom under me has a sister who serves under the other kingdom. 

I hate those mutts. But I was quick to do instruction and asked for proof. I could never be too sure , that is one of the rules I have learned when I started ruling my kingdom. 

There are people out there who would take advantage of somebody's weaknesses just to take over them completely , which is something I can't allow to happen that's why I'm really cautious when it comes to suspicious stuff. 

The proof came quickly, but it wasn't something I expected.

The few strands of hair were a different color, she may have dyed it or something but for what reason? 

I really did love her soft hair but that is not why I am livid at the moment. 

It was because the hair gives off a scent of a mated female.. 

And she was mated with me, but because of that incident the mating bond was wiped out and nullified.  

Which shouldn't even happen in the first place because it was all a mistake. 

I may be an asshole for having the same reason as other guys which is ' I'm just a guy' but I would be lying if that's what I say. 

During that time, it felt like my body just moved on its own. I knew myself and my wolf, no matter how tempted I get, we would never do that because we are enthralled and madly inlove with our mate. So why? how? 

As for that, I already sent out some of the best spies I have without anyone else knowing. Not even my beta. 

But this.. 

This is totally unacceptable.. 

She's mated? 

To whom? How? Why? 

Too many questions kept coming and they made me lightheaded but I sure as hell wouldn't mistake my Astrid's scent for someone else's. 

This.. Who ever claimed my woman, I would make sure to make that person pay dearly. 

I already sent a treaty for a truce . As soon as it gets approved, I will search every nook and cranny of that distasteful kingdom just to find that man. 

Then I'll take my sweet, sweet time making him pay . After that, I'll take my Queen back and apologize for each mistake with kisses, and everything will go back to normal . 

I already lost her once, I am never losing her again. Especially when The moon goddess gave me this chance. 

Although the thought of some other man touching even just a strand of her hair makes me livid , I'm sure they haven't done anything physical yet..


I shook my paranoid thoughts out of my mind before taking very deep breaths while hurriedly making my way towards my son's nursery room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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