Rude and Crude

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     Lucas and Vincent awoke the next morning wrapped together on the bed, Lucas' head buried in Vincent's neck. They hadn't done anything more than fall asleep together lulled by  joint exasperation and longing for more, but in the morning light it felt dirty.

      At least it did to Lucas. He was sleeping with a boy in his arms just a door away from his mother. What should happen if she were to poke her head in the room and come looking for him? What would she think? What would she do? Needless to say, Lucas had a suspicion that it wouldn't be good.. in fact he figured it be very bad. Still he was tangled up in Vincent too far down to let go and his neediness dictated that he stay in bed as close to the boy as possible, lest he disappear. No, Vincent couldn't fade out of existence like a fickle mirage if Lucas was holding tight, clutching on, never letting go. That, he supposed was a little more important than whatever his mother would do.

      Vincent shifted slightly, letting out a satisfied groan, and Lucas tugged him deeper into the warmth of the covers. It wasn't often Lucas woke up first, and staring at Vincent as his chest rose and fell, eyes peacefully closed, Lucas decided he ought to attempt to be the first awake more often.

      "We should be up before your mom." Vincent whispered, half asleep.


      "It's easier to explain..." Vincent turned around so rather than facing the wall, he was facing Lucas' chest. "like... why I'm still here."

     "But I don't have class until later..." Lucas kissed Vincent's cheek lightly. "Let's just stay here all day."

    "Mhhm.. that's a nice idea." Vincent dug his face into the boy's shirt. "But we've got to go to class."



     "Oh I see how it is. You just want me to become a doctor so I can pay for your whole existence, don't you?" Lucas suggested. "If I'm a doctor, then you'll never even need your degree."

     "Be quiet." Vincent scolded. "I want my degree, and I want to work. You know that isn't how it is, right? You know I don't care what you do."

     "I know you don't care what I do." Lucas stated sincerely. "But that doesn't mean you're free from me suspecting you just want me for my parent's money." He teased.

     "Shut up." Vincent shook his head in annoyance. "I'd love you if you were living in a trailer park and begging for your food... the money's just a plus." He smiled.

     "You hurt me!" Lucas feigned a pain in his chest.

      Vincent swung his legs out of bed, and Lucas groaned, clutching closer to him, but Vincent broke the embrace and went over to the dresser to grab some clothes, intending to take a shower. He didn't have class until the evening that day, but he still wanted to get ready for the day. Lucas sat up on the bed, watching him from behind as he went.

     "What are we going to do about your mom?" Vincent turned around. "You told her I went home last night. How are we going to explain me being here this morning?"

     "Oh..." Lucas paused. "She usually wakes up a little later, but I can just distract her if she doesn't."

     "Distract her, how?"

     "I don't know, I'll think of something." Lucas flopped back down on the bed. "Just go shower. It's fine."

      Vincent peaked out in the hallway to see that the light beneath Ms. Marshall's door was still dark and breathed a sigh of relief. She was still asleep, or at least still in bed with no intention of getting up anytime soon.  He showered as quickly as possible, sliding back into the room dressed and ready. Lucas, despite his promise had fallen back asleep and lay on the bed snoring softly.

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