Doctors and Proctors

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     As Lucas went in to see the doctor, Ms. Marshall thought. She thought about everything she'd done. She was too sad to cry, too broken down to sob. All she could do was stare ahead at the clock on the wall in the waiting room and think. With nothing to think about but her actions, she grew tired of thinking very quickly. 

    Her eyes, though not wet with tears, were wrought still with great pain. Before Lucas had gotten injured, she had pondered if she had only had a child because her parents wanted her too, but in that moment, as the other boy slammed into her son, she knew that was wrong. She did have motherly instincts. As her son was injured by a predator, she longed to protect him, stand in the way of the attacker, and attack herself. 

     Jennifer Marshall was an elegant woman... until she wasn't. She hadn't behaved with grace over the past few days. Vincent, next to her in the waiting room, was a grand reminder of that. She couldn't imagine herself sitting on the bleachers hair a stingy mess watching a soccer game, but she'd done it. Ms. Marshall was changed, brought to a primal level by the changes to the world she couldn't prevent. 

     There's was an ache in her chest, and she clutched at it briefly, though she knew it wasn't physical. It was the kind of hole, emptiness, that only a mother could feel. It was a gripping sorrow that tore through her soul like lava spilling her insides with barren hardened stone. It was the pain a mother feels when her child calls out for a mother before herself. The pain of watching Lucas suffer while calling out for somebody else. The pain of being unable to do anything, and being unwanted regardless. 

     She looked to Vincent next to her. Perhaps that was part of the reason she hated the Chances. At first it had been prejudice, plain and simple, but as Lucas grew to prefer Molly Chance over her she began to resent their relationship. She'd never known what kind of relationship she'd wanted with her son until she saw Molly have it. 

     Lucas was in love with Vincent. She'd always known it to be true. Her and Molly both, though Molly had some doubts as to whether or not it would fade over time. When Jennifer had reached out to Molly, she'd though she'd find an ally. She thought she could find a place where they could agree, and Ms. Chance would want Lucas around Vincent less, but she didn't. In fact, though she thought the whole thing could be pleasant and reveled at Lucas becoming fully part of their family. Jennifer had never seen it like that. she'd never thought to look into marriage like that, and she'd certainly never considered the moral quandary would arise with her son.

     Vincent's arms were crossed over his chest. He was shaken up, but no worse for wear. Having to sit next to Ms. Marshall after everything that had happened was a force of will, but he forced himself to do so. Walking out of the room and seeing Vincent next to his mom, at least symbolically united, was important for Lucas, Vincent decided. 

     Marty had driven along behind them and sat in the waiting room awkwardly. He wasn't really sure if he was still supposed to be there, or if he should be gone by the time Lucas got out. To be safe, he'd left a seat between Vincent and him, a buffer just in case Lucas was feeling jealous or angered by the day's events. It was hard seeing his best friend like that, even harder being away from him. He supposed it was for the best that Lucas and Vincent were together, when Lucas got upset like that Marty had no idea how to shake him out of it. 

    "You can sit next to me." Vincent smiled weakly, shaking Marty from his thoughts. "I don't bite."

     "Oh... right... I just.." Marty stood up quickly and moved. "I didn't know how you'd feel about that."

     "mhm." Vincent sounded in agreement. "It's been a very long day."


     "I'm sorry if it seemed like I was taking away your best friend."

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