do better - wilbur

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anyways this is kinda a vent so a heres my feelings <3


Tommy lay restlessly in Will's arms, snuggled into his chest. Will had a grin plastered over his face, intertwining his fingers gently into his blonde, ruffled hair. Will was dozing off himself, barely able to concentrate on the screen in front of him, playing some teenage soap opera. Until a sudden sound startled the boy.

"Tommy! Guess who's home son!" Great. "Dadza" was home from another trip again. 6. Whole. Months. Tommy and Will had been left alone, even missing Wills 15th birthday. But, of fucking course, they come back right in time for Tommy's.

"Dad!" Tommy giggled, embracing the hug his father lifted him into. "Hey buddy, you seem tired, shall we go off to bed?" Phil smiled, holding the boy closely. A mumbled response was enough for Phil to lead him to bed, without even acknowledging Will's presence.

Techno glared quietly, staring intensely at the boy. Techno was never good with speaking, but could almost feel the tension in the air. The boy hadn't muttered a word. A protest. Or done in fact, anything! He just sat there, blankly staring at the TV screen, not phased by his fathers return.
How..... Selfish?

Phil made his way back down stairs once Tommy had slept, creeping back down stairs to the awkward silence presented to him. Phil's smile quickly wore off as he saw the look Techno exchanged him.

"Not even going to say hi?" Phil mumbled, glancing at his son hopefully. "Phil-" Techno started.
"Fuck. You."

"Excuse me?"

Will turned, glaring at the man ferociously. "Seriously dude. Fuck. You. Do you know how many sleepless nights i've had with Tommy? Do you know how many nights i've had to SIT there COMFORTING him, tearing him away from his nightmares. Forcing him to conquer his own fears. Do you realise how much pressure i'm under? I get no fucking respect, nor help in this household. You and Technoblade go on your shitty little trips, not even battering a fucking eye at poor old William."
"Will I'm sorry I-"
"No. Don't fucking apologise. Go apologise to the kid that you've NEVER BEEN THERE FOR. Don't give me that bull shit. You're not fucking sorry. I don't even know how you have the audacity to call Tommy your own son. And don't call me your son, I may aswell not even be here. May aswell be fucking gone for all you care. You wouldn't even know." Will contains his tears, now glaring at the floor with shaky hands. "You wouldn't even FUCKING KNOW."

With that Will dashed to the front door, running into the abyss. Tears flooded out of his eyes uncontrollably, no matter how hard he attempted to hold them back.

"I'm a failure..."


hey! how are you all? hope you're all doing well!!! first of all THE READS ON THIS BOOK IS FUCKING INSANE TYSMMM!! remember u can always leave requests cuz i'll probably do them ngl LOL i'm gonna try getting more updates and maybe even work on a new book ;) anyways take care of urself ily all have a great day! <3

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