spider - wilbur

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no deadass i turned and there's just a fat spider crawling up the wall next to my bed, i leaped i was so scared 😩 currently standing waiting for it to leave

tw -
you guessed it
spooders (spiders)


Wilbur hated spiders.

He. Hated. Spiders.

It was a fear of his that was well known in the family, they knew better than to tease him about it. A simple spider had once very nearly hospitalised him. Yeah. This was serious.

Wilbur glanced at his alarm, exhaustingly, the time read 1:46 AM. Wilbur sighed gently, pulling his covers over his head, only to be tossing and turning for what felt like hours, but only accumulated to minutes.

Wilbur threw his duvet off himself in anger, sitting upright and glaring into the darkness before him. Wilbur knew he wasn't going to sleep, he had already t r i e d.

Sluggishly, he fumbled, feeling for his light, before throwing it on. Squinting, he allowed his eyes time to readjust to the new profound light. Gently he rolled back onto his bed, glaring at the wall. The wall.

The wall. The wall. The wall.

A spider.

The beast lay on the wall, it's eyes glaring hungrily at Wilbur's petrified eyes. It's 8 legs swiftly crawled up the walls, daring anyone to step foot in its path. Wilbur froze, panic instantly taking over him.


He needed to get away. Get away. Get away from the spider. Away from it. Away. Away. Away.

Without a thought, he bolted off his bed, almost instantly crashing into the wall, slamming his head against it. A panicked yelp arose from him, as he scrambled away from the wall.

His vision blurred, he couldn't see anymore. He couldn't see. Oh. He could see. He could see spiders. Many. Spiders. Menacingly crawling along his back, hungrily biting at his flesh, blood spurting everywhere, screams and wails forming. He was sacred. No. No. No. No. This can't be happening. No. No No.


Techno was awoken by a crash, and a yelp. Techno grunted, before getting up. The one night he decides to sleep. He reaches for his door handle, and opens it, scanning the area to locate where the noise came from. That's when he realised Wilbur's light was on.

Oh no.


Sprinting, he rushed into Wilbur's bedroom, darting towards the boys, not noticing Phil on his tail.

Techno was shocked, to say the least, Wilbur was curled up in a ball, sobbing, with raspy breaths. Blood gushed out of his head from what looked like to be the cause of the wall.

How had this happened? What did Wilbur do? Did he hurt himself on purpose? What if-

He saw it. The monster that caused it all. There stood a spider, laying proudly on the wall. Techno huffed, punching the spider lightly, watching its weight crumble under its fists, instantly dying under his wrath. Techno beamed, before returning to his brother.

"Hey, Wilbur. I need you to breathe for me, alright mate? Can you do that for me? Deep breaths." Philza gently ushered, trying not to let his panic rise through. He needed to see to that head injury

Wilbur barely heard him. A sharp nod left his body, as he attempted to breathe in and out. His eyes darted, trying to find anything to look at but the sight he saw.

Slowly, he was being brought back to reality. A blurred Philza and... Techno? Were before him, ushering comforting words that he could now interpret.

"Hey... Can you name 5 things you can see?" Techno ushered, calmly. He knew the boys love language was touch, however when he's in a state like this. Touch would make him worse. When he's back to reality, however, he's a lot better.

"Uhm, I uhm." Wilbur stuttered. "My bed. Uhm. The floor. Uhm my guitar. You. And Phil." By this point, Will had calmed slightly, his breathing a little less worrying.

Techno instantly pulled the boy into a hug, latching onto him, letting him calm down.

"I-Is it gone?"

"Yes, the spiders gone Wilbur."

"Thank you. Sorry."

"There's no need to be sorry, it's okay, but please let us look at your head."

Wilbur gently lifted his head away from Technos warm embrace, he grimaced at the blood he trailed behind on him, however he was the 'Blood God', so he didn't feel too bad.

"Thank you." Wilbur smiled, his heartbeat finally matching Technos.


pls the spiders moved halfway across my room now cuz i was too scared to kill it but what if it crawls in my bed omg

SBI oneshots [wilbur centric]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें