who i am

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(im not japanese ) okay? So making my characther one is hard...

So start!!



My name is sai quals
A fifteen year old anime addict

Well.. i say that but my real life and anime life are balanced

I get good grades i have a large social group of friends and ...im handsome
I get confessions from time to time my parents...are...toxic? But they dont harm me just kinda dont treat me as their son and always fight with each other but hey!

They fed me clothed me and raise me aside from ignoring me they did their responsibility as a parent and never abused me

I lacked parental love but i was never envious since aside from my parents all other people showered me with love to the point that it was sickening

As day passed by i came to a conclusion...im sick in the head and im gay ...i started simping for hot anime boys although i wasnt effeminate and hid my sexuality well i had no problem flirting with woman since i know how the world is biased i never revealed my sexuality ....

As for why i was sick in the head?

It was that very day..i got stabbed ...
It hurts like hell...it was a crazy boy who i made friends with

"You tricked me" he mumbled as he let go of the knife and it stuck to me

'what?' i said in my mind ...trick him? I was confused... Sure i played with his feelings making him fall for me

But was that it? I was freaking fifteen! Do you want me to get in a relationship? Also i never said my sexuality you assumed that i liked you?

The guy i messed with was a pyscho

The knife was in my lower abdomen it wasnt too deep and blood wasnt spilling that much thanks to the knife still stuck there...

I should be fine ..but..it hurts...my skin was stinging and i felt pain and really uncomfortable.

"Why did you trick me?" The crazy boy said as he tilts my head up...

"For fucks sake what the hell are you talking about!?" I screamed as i think about how to get away from this boy

..."you never liked me...yet why were you so nice to me? You hugged me and treated me so warmly smiled at me yet you! You held that womans hand and said naughty things!" He said with his eye wide open ...with a crazy grin

......what the hell? ...i sigh mentally as i regret ever interacting with this boy ...

Then i saw a young girl in the corner of my eyes she had a shock face as she runs away probably to call someone for help?

The crazy boy was too busy chatting to notice the girl that ran

...then...something popped into my mind...what if?..

An idea that was so...insane...

My hand moved as i thrust the hilt of the knife going deeper

I grunt as i felt it...'it was so...painful' i only manage to push it a little bit before letting go...it hurted so bad...

"W-what are you doing?" The crazy boy said as he watched me ..

I smile at him my hands and legs getting weak i used my last remaining strength to pull the knife till i collapsed to the ground..

Its over...i made sure to cut the blood vessels and i thrusted it upward just so it could penetrate the flesh just under the rib ...

I would bleed to death or suffer organ failure either way i will die ...

As i fell i saw the boys shocked face ..

"...h-huh??" He said as he backed away into the wall...

(They were in an alley)

My eyelids began to get heavy as i close my eyes...

I still felt the pain and i wanted to curse! It hurted so bad!!!!!

Ten or so minutes later the little girl and an adult arrived accompanied by a cop

The boy was still staring at sai's now dead body ...

He was in no danger the knife wasnt deep and it was positioned in the lower abdomen which means it wouldnt be life threatening help was going to arrive ten minutes later

But...he chose to kill himself just so he could answer the question.....

"What if? ........what if he got reincarnated or isekaid...? He wanted to know the answer..was it real? Would it really happen?...

And as you expected it happened...
He got reborn...and isekaid...

Opening his eyes only for a second before his eyes closed down by itself...

He couldnt open his eyes...

"Congratulations maam its a boy!"
A scream was heard...

..'i really got reborn?...my guess..is im a baby' which would probably explain why his eyes were so heavy..

Anyway..hes sleepy..so he fell asleep..

A week passed by and sai was able to open his eyes he couldnt move much but he could flail his arms and feet around although it took a lot of energy

Sai really wanted to know what this world is like....

A month later ..sai was able to open his eyes and he saw his parents face for the first time..

A fat ugly man and a sexy slim beautiful woman...

Looking at those expensive jewelry on them sai was almost sure how he got conceived...

His father was rich but ugly
His mother was pretty and greedy


There you have it the perfect ugly combo

Sai wished he looked like his mother

His mother had golden hair slim body fair and smooth skin

His father had black hair with red strips he was over weight probably twice or thrice much his mothers weight

Sai started training his arms by flinging them around ..

At two months old he was able to roll and tumble over his stomach and face flat to the ground he tried pushing himself up but kept failing eventually he fell asleep...

Then something happened in the third month...

"Hire a hunter for a bodyguard!"
Sai heard his fathers voice

"Okay hunny~" the woman says chirply..

'h-hunter?' sai thought before going back to sleep again

At the fourth month sai was able to crawl...he did it as often as he can hoping not to end up like his father

"Hunny is something wrong with our baby?" The mother asked worriedly the baby never cried once and it was progressing faster than others..

"What nonsense! Our baby is a genius!" The father said

..then they both continued to talk

As sai kept crawling and crawling hoping to build up his stamina

On the sixth month he was able to stand... And he finally said his first word

"Dada" of course he was able to speak all along his father was stupid and ugly but he was rich getting on his good graces was probably the best thing to do rather than his mom

On the seventh month he learned how to walk which was celebrated by giving him a house under his name...

'seriously?' sai said but he dint complain after all it was a very gracious gift not anyone can have on their first time walking.

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