staying with kurapika p2

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"kurapika nii san!" I shouted as i went over his side appearing out of nowhere in a matter of seconds

"What the-.." kurapika had been practicing his specialist nen ability
While i was practicing my in

"In" is an advance zetsu technique where you close off all your senses

It has its uses but it leaves you completely defenseless

"Im able to use in and ken now!"
I said jumping at him and him catching me

Yep ive gotten pretty close to kurapika i can be cheerful sometimes i can be silent

Although im naturally silent if other people are present

"Congratulations" he said smiling and patting my head

'i still have a long way to catch up huh?' kurapika thought as he continue his practice and so did i

Its been two months and according to my calculation after three more months wed be looking to get hired...

What was it again? To obtian more info? Well ill let kurapika do what he wants

"Bye" i said as i smiled at the ryu guy
We were finally leaving kurapika had gotten used with his red eye

And i already gave him the eyes of the kurta clan that i have bought early on before th plot started

So we were headed off to in a hiring thingy

Anywya i wasnt sure since i was asleep i still know where we are and where were brought but im not sure who these people are..

"Is she your little sister?"
A buff man asked...

I immediately attacked him with malice...

' not a girl' i said irritated in my head..

Kurapika patted me on the head and i immediately dissipitate my nen

"What strong nen..." He said looking my way

These people were kurapikas team they will be killed sooner or later i donr care either way

As soon as they said we were trapped in this house

We immediately started to suspect a traitor or something

Well im not sure how it goes since i was just sleeping the whole time

But i woke up and i saw a bunch of floating nen ghost costume..

'an emmiter? I thought as i look over to where the trail of nen was coming from..

Oh...that guy

I yawned as i immediately moved behind the guy controlling the nen ghost and took out his heart out...

As he fell silence could be heard as all the ghost dissapeard and kurapika and the others looked over me ..

"He was the one controlling it.." i said then we got out

I dont think i need to explain how that girl kissed the curly hair dude that manipulates dog right?


Anywya now we were being asked to bring some items before meeting the master AKA neon..

"Why did you kill him?.." kurapika asked as he gently pat my head..

I thought of an answer
...why?...everything would have ended even if i hadnt interfered..


"Its because he woke me up.." i answered yawning...

Yes it was official...i was sick in the head this worlds system had officially polluted me...

But so what?

Anyway i already got all the items we needed to find

Kurapika was not gonna give those kurta eyes ever ...

I thought about that before so i went ahead and prepaired the necessary items

okay we were walking in a creepy hallway full of paintings and now were infront of neon

Were just suppose to escort her to the auction since she have something she wants...

Yeah i guess. Im one of the escorts. .

I wonder..will i meet chrollo...hmm hell meet with neo when she escaped her bodyguard right?..

And then theres that fight with zeno...
And Sylvia

I sigh thinking bout the future
It sure was bothersome

"A little girl!" Neon said pointing at me...

I calmly ignored her

Kurapika was on standby ready to calm me down he was suprised i was ignoring it

'ive gotten pretty used to being called and mistaken for as a girl so im not that mad anymore and i cant let anyone here in this room know a thing about me ...

In other words im keeping low profile

And so this night we were patrolling a hotel which neon was located and the auction would be held...

'all done.' i said as me and kurpika went inside the room

Me and kurapika share the same room and same bed since why not? And since they mistake me for his little sister so why not?

I ussually sleep in handstand so...being able to sleep in a bed whooo its been so long! I dint realize how sore my body was till i sunk into the soft mattres...

"You should wash up first" kurapika said as he shook me slightly

thinking that i was asleep

I opened my eyes and nodded

I went to the bathroom taking off my clothes i showered in a hot steamy bubbly bath i felt so relaxed and comfortable as the stains of blood get washed from my hands..

Yet no matter what i do what i did was never gonna be erased

Coming out with a bathrobe around my waist i sat on a chair infront of a desk with a mirror kurapika blowdrying and combing my hair

Yep he does this everytime

I guess you could say it became his habit since he noticed how i always let my hair drip down after shower?...

Still my hair is bothersome ..i should cut it off-

"Dont even think about it.." kurapika suddenly spoke...

I looked at the mirror and saw my expressionless face...htf could he read me?

Was ig his nen...nahh kurpaika doesnt have a nen like i simply too easy to read?...

Or has he gotten that close to me to just naturally know what im thinking? I asked mentally knowing that no one would answer

After that i went and dressed to my pajamas and fell asleep

Snuggling into kurapikas warm embrace i yawned...

Were gonna meet gon and killua soon~ but fist were gonna meet hisoka...


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