Chapter 3 - You Can't Even Say One Word Straight

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Rayver POV

I don't even know how long I've stood there waiting, but after some time I heard a loud slam. Like, a door kind of slam.

Soon, Mr. Luciano came through the door looking a bit stressed out, but as soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Let me take you to your room, alright?" He asked me with a kind smile.

I nodded as answer to his question. I hardly doubt that was a question though.

He silently led me out the door and into the hallway. Once again, I get the feeling that I am so out of place in this mansion. Even the white walls in the hallways look like they're taunting me.

We exchanged zero words as we reached a door leading to... Well, I guess it's my room. I think.

He turned and gave me what looked like a sheepish smile, "I wasn't really sure what you wanted your room to look like, so... I hope you like it."

He then opened the door and, might I say, what I saw made my eyes widen to saucers. To say the room was beautiful was the understatement of the year. It was amazing!

It had a large queen-sized bed and right across of it was a couch and a small table. At the ceiling was a light that was square-shaped. It was the kind where you can adjust the brightness. There was also a curtain which, by the help of a light, I'm guessing was a balcony.

On the far side from the door was another door. I'll look at that later.

While I was silent in awe, my 'father' probably thought that I didn't like it, "If you don't like it, I could call up the interior designers right now. Or you could design it however you want."

I quickly shook my head, "No, no!" I took a deep breath, "It's perfect."

He grinned triumphantly, happy that I was satisfied with the room he gave me. Satisfied isn't even cutting it close.

"Great! You can stay here and do what you want. Or if you'd like, you can explore the house."

House? More like mansion!

He continued, "Unfortunately, I have some urgent work that I have to do. Dinner will be at six."

I gave him a smile and a nod. We awkwardly stared at each other for a while before he nodded and started to close the door behind him.

I stood there by myself for a good few seconds, making sure that he would be far enough before I did what I've been wanting to do since I've opened the door.

I ran to the bed and cannonballed into it. The soft and bouncy mattress was what I first felt. It was like a cloud. I laid like that for a few minutes, then I stood to look at that door.

I opened it, leading to the... Bathroom. Wow, even the bathroom is screaming luxury! There was a shower which was covered by glass and a glass door. There were candles around the tub. The best part? There was a TV. A TV! It's my first time seeing a television at a bathroom.

I didn't even know that was possible.

Across the door which I was in was another door. I went in and, voilà! It was a walk-in wardrobe or closet.

It was brown and wood themed, some even had glass covering them. In the middle of the wardrobe was a couch.

I exited the closet and the bathroom and into the room. I tried to go to the balcony, but it was locked. Why would it be locked?

Because they don't trust you.

N-no, they probably forgot that it was even locked in the first place.

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