Chapter 47 - Fino Ad Allora

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Third Person POV

Six years later

Ember-colored leaves were fluttering softly in the autumn wind, making the place look like a perfect painting. The park had a lot of people; families, couples, and friends. Faces ridden with smiles, the weekend was filled with laughter and joy, causing the scene to be much more pic​tur​esque.

In the windy park, some people had strewn blankets on the ground, having a picnic. One of these people was a large group of a family.

Fiona smiled in contentment as she lounged comfortably under the sun. Picking up a sandwich that they had packed, she handed it to Miley, who had requested it.

"Thanks, Fee!" Miley, the ever-energetic blondie smiled at her best friend in gratitude and then turned to her adopted son, a seven-year-old little bunny that was as hyper as his foster mother.

"Thank you, mommy!"

"You're welcome, my little bunny. Hey! Eat slowly, you'll get choked that way." Miley said somewhat helplessly as she watched her son gobble up the sandwich in a few seconds.

Their bond of being hyperactive made these two close to each other even more than other foster parents with their adopted children.

"Say, where is Jordan? Wasn't he supposed to pick up his newest girlfriend and come here?" Fiona suddenly asked, looking around as she searched for their male best friend.

Alyssa, having heard the question, sneered, "Who the fuck cares where that shitty asshole is? He better not bring his new conquest to see his son, or else I won't let him."

Alyssa and Jordan, who had been married and happy years ago, were divorced a year and a few months ago. Ever since then, Jordan had been hopping to different women, making him quite popular as a playboy. He was now a star in the basketball industry, which made women flock to him, regardless of his record. Plus, he was extremely hot after so many years.

"Hey! Don't curse in front of the children!" Fiona reprimanded their uncensored friend.

Jordan and Alyssa's child, a six-year-old boy, was jumping to and fro both parents since both of them had custody, which Alyssa was currently fighting in court for the whole of. She didn't want her son to be influenced by his prodigal father.

Meanwhile, Alyssa had adopted her new child with Natasha. They weren't broken up, but the two of them were always hot and cold toward each other. Sometimes, it felt like the passion would make them stay with each other, but other times, they seemed to be hanging off a thread of each other, and on the brink of breaking.

The two mothers watched as their kids ran away with each other to play. At first, they weren't far, but soon after, as the children were distracted by one another, the adults looked worried but lazy at the same time.

Knowing that these mothers really wouldn't stand up until necessary at the last moment, the only male in the group shook his head in amusement and helplessness. Clutching his two-year-old little girl with him, the black-haired man stood up and followed the kids.

Fiona smiled again in happiness as she saw her husband voluntarily stand up and follow the two active children. Those nearby that saw this action were immediately impressed and envious. Where can they get a man like this?

In his late twenties, this male specimen looked extremely attractive. He didn't have many muscles like other men, but he also wasn't scrawny by any means. His black hair was slightly ruffled by the cool wind, and his glasses made him look like a doctor. Coupled with a shirt, plaid flannel, and ripped jeans, his casual look fit perfectly in his figure.

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