Chapter 15 - The Day I See Regina Care Is The Day I See Her Beg

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Regina POV

"Are you in position, Wynter?"

"Yes. The subject is in vision. Preparing to go now." Came her reply.

I absently nodded as my eyes were focused on the screen. We were looking through a camera which was implanted in her necklace.

We saw as she walked up to the guy who we had been trying to find for a while now. That 'while' being four days.

This guy had made a few of our people betray us, in exchange for some lousy amount of money. Money!

We found out that he had some valuable information about our Mafia in a USB, so Wynter was the one assigned to take it.

I also allowed her to have some fun with the guy first or afterwards, but she has to make sure that the USB is safely in her grasp.

As always, to make sure no one would recognize her, she had to put on contact lenses and a wig. Add in a few touches of make-up as well.

"I can't believe how Wynter can tolerate guys like that! I mean, they're all perverts just wanting to have sex with her, and she gives them that." Krista broke the silence.

"You know that she has her reasons, Krista. We are not one to judge her if she wants to do this." I told her.

"Yeah, plus she's our friend. We should just support her in whatever she wants to do. No one is forced to do or not do anything." Kade said, agreeing to my statement.

Krista huffed a breath but stayed quiet afterwards. We simply sat there and watched as she easily took the USB from the target's pocket.

Mission accomplished.



Seriously. We have phones, an intercom. Why does he always choose to yell? We have a big ass mansion for fuck's sake.

"Cosa?!" I yelled back. {What?!}

"Vieni qui!" Came his reply. {Come here!}

Once I reached the office, Padre motioned for me to close the door. After doing so, I walked up to him and stood opposite him.

"Where have you been?" Padre asked. Demanded, more like.

"We had to claim something from someone," I answer.

He then asked again, "Have you seen the new viral video?"

Che cazzo? {What the fuck?}

"You know I don't have time for such things. And even if I do, I wouldn't waste my time on such things. I suggest you do too."

Padre shook his head.

"No, I think you would have wanted to see that one." He said.

His head turned down, making it hard for me to possibly know what he's feeling. But since his body was tense, it looked important.

"The only reason I would even dare to see, well, whatever it is, is if it had something to do with my family," I stated, staring him down.

He hesitated before finally telling me. Oh, how I wished he would have said it sooner.

"It's... It's not me..."

I stood there with a blank face for a whole two minutes, making Padre look up to see how I was reacting.

Without a word said, I walked out of the room and into the said boy's.

I barged in unannounced, making him look up quickly from his position on the bed and sit up straight.

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