Prologue - At World's End

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   He looks over his war-ravaged world. Once a beautiful and flourishing paradise, now a grotesque and barren wasteland. Once home to billions of people, now devoid of life. Everyone rather tall, all born with large, avian-like wings. His people reached great heights as a civilization. Maybe too great, as when war broke out, the weapons made through a mixture of magic and science were too much for the world to survive.
   Failing in the search for other life reaffirms his decision to leave this earth in hopes of finding a better one. He brings forth a knowledge of magic and science, along with salvaged artifacts to aid in his quest. Hardening his resolve over a final survey of this world, he sprawls out massive, feathery white wings.
   He draws his sword as it sparks and arcs small blue lightning, dancing around and off the blade. He holds it high as the lightning intensifies and the silver begins to glow blue. The sword's cracking and cackling grows loud and bright as power surges inside and around the blade, seeming like an explosion is imminent. He brings the sword down, slicing the air in front of him, as the lightning releases in an arc that grows into a circle.
   He hopes this portal will lead him to a better home. The sword is attracted to life and will only open a portal to another earth where life resides, what kind of life is where the hope comes in. He closes his wings, grips the sword tightly, wondering if he'll have to use it, and steps through the portal.

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