Chapter 2 Love

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   Swords sing loudly as they clash and clang. The steel chorus echoes around the arena of white stone, dancing off of the ivory pillars that encircle it.
   "Your getting better," Sarena offers as their swords kiss again. The sun reflecting off of their blades, her large, shining white wings, and long, flowing white hair. Wings glimmering like diamonds in the sun.
   "I am getting better than you!" claims
Ba lin, as he claps his golden wings, jumping back and getting ready for another strike. Wings outlined in black, with dark hair covering his face. The black and gold resembling the golden obsidian that he was born from.
   "Better than me?" She laughs. "You have never beaten me and never will!" Sarena claims, smiling and taking a new stance, gripping her sword tightly, and tightening her gaze. White irises shimmering through the stare. "Bring it on!" she challenges, motioning with a free hand.
   Ba lin meets her gaze with golden eyes and gritted teeth. Flapping his wings, and launching into the air, he let's out a battle cry as he grips his sword with both hands overhead, coming down to meet Sarena's challenge.
   She spins left to avoid the downward slash and return with a horizontal one. Blades ring out as they meet again, after Ba lin is quick to raise his sword to block. A flurry of swings as they block and parry one another. The brother and sister seem evenly matched.
   Ba lin, growing frustrated and impatient, takes a risky hard swing down, to try and overpower Sarena.   
Turning sideways to avoid the strike, she disarms him with a simple flick of her wrist. As he watches his sword fling away to the right, she comes in from the left with a firm foot planted onto his chest, sending him to the ground.
   "Better, but not better than me." She laughs, standing over him, and extending an open hand down. The frustration washes away from his face as he catches his breath. Looking up with a smile, he grabs her hand.
   "One of these times I am going to be looking down at you on the ground, after I have bested you," he claims as she pulls him to his feet. Turning to retrieve his fallen sword, he asks, "Ready to go again?"
   "Sorry, I have to go," she says, sheathing her sword.
   "Oh, you have to go meet him?" Ba lin declares, in disgust.
   "And what if I am?" Sarena responds, defensively.
   "You know father has called on us to convene at sundown, your not coming?"
   "I will be there, I have plenty of time. Are you jealous?"
   "Of one of them? Hardly, we are superior in every way. They are beneath us Sarena, you should not be getting involved with any of them. They are a violent and disgusting people, killing each other over trivial things. They need to be ruled by us, not loved. It is the only way we can protect them and this world. They will destroy it and themselves," he preaches and rants.
   "Ba lin!" she scolds. "Father has said that they are a young people and will learn from their mistakes as they get older. Their mistakes are unfortunate but necessary to their growth. They are not all bad," Sarena defends. "I will see you at the assembly," she claims, thrusting powerful wings and taking off for her rendezvous, leaving Ba lin staring off in anger.
   Sarena soars out of the arena that clings to the side of the palace. The massive palace sits atop the grandest of mountains, crested by cloud cover. Gliding down across the mountainside, she escapes the cloaking spell that shrouds her home.
   Flying into the woods below, she makes her way to the clearing with the giant oak tree. Landing softly and elegantly, she calls out to him.
   "Arthur, are you there?"
   A hooded figure steps out from around the mighty oak. Dressed in greens and browns, blending into the forest surroundings like a leaf in a tree. A large bow and quiver peak from around his shoulders. A sword rests at his side.
   He pulls back his hood over his brown hair, revealing a smile.
   "I've been waiting for you."
   Sarena smiles and glows, as he opens his arms to greet her rushing in to him.    She rests her head on his chest and closes her eyes, taking in the warm embrace. He kisses her forehead before resting his head onto hers. Both of them breathing in the other before facing to lock lips, holding tight all the while.
   Time flies as the sun begins to set. Shadows grow long through the forest, as they sit at the base of the grand white oak, his back against it, caressing her in his arms, intertwined like roots of the tree.
   "I have to go," she says, sadly.
   "So soon?" he replies, disappointed.
   "I don't want to but father has called on us to convene at sundown. I have to go, but wish I could stay longer."
   "I understand, how long do these things usually take? You should come back afterwards. It's a full moon tonight. If we can't enjoy the sunset together, maybe we can enjoy the moonlight. It'll be romantic."
   "That does sound nice." Her sad face warms, as her smile and glow returns.   
   "It's a date! I shouldn't be too long, maybe an hour. But what will you do while you wait?"
   "Just enjoy nature and the sunset. I feel at home here, even more so than my own house. And think of you, of course, that'll keep me content until you return."
   She blushes, grabbing his face, kissing him passionately, cherishing one last embrace before standing up.
   "I'll be back soon," she says before turning away and taking to the air, disappearing through the trees.
   Flying into the main hall, sunset at her back, she recognizes many of her brothers and sisters. Many not seen for a long time. Many of them residing in other parts of the world, watching over other people of the world. A myriad rainbow of wings, no one having the same color wings as another, all born from various treasures of this world. Everyone unique.
   One sits at the head of the room in a large ornate throne, the Allfather, who brought the rest into this world with powerful life giving magic.
   Others fly in from different directions, as they fill the great hall. As the sun sets, and the last few fly in, including Ba lin, the Allfather speaks.
   "Hello my children and welcome. Thank you all for coming. I have called us here tonight to learn how the people of this world are faring, and to discuss if we need to step in anywhere to help guide them."
   As stars from far fill the sky, stories from far fill the hall. Stories and reports of flourishing civilizations, and those of warring ones. Some promising advancements, like the invention of the printing press, and some worrisome, like the discovery of gunpowder. One step foward towards enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge. One step back towards destruction and ruin.
   "We shall keep a close eye on those with gunpowder or advanced weaponry," decrees the Allfather. "It has been nice seeing you all again. We have much to be hopeful for in this world, and we will protect that hope if we need to. But for now, that is all. You may all return home, may safe flights and bright lights guide us all, and this world. Goodnight, my children."
   As everybody begins to leave, Sarena notices Ba lin hastily make his way to the Allfather with a disapproving scowl, most likely to object to not intervening on warring nations. Sarena shakes her head, hoping her father can give her brother more faith in humanity.
   Anxious to return to her love, she exits the hall, and soars towards her awaiting date.

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