Chapter 5

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This action willHave consequences

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This action will
Have consequences

>>  break out

You grab the scissors and begin climbing up knocking over some perfumes and decorations, you stand on a large cabinet, the boy was quickly alerted, you maneuver the scissors and start hitting it against the glass you cover your face with a decorative towel. The glass breaks some cutting you leaving little scratches, as one big piece slashes your leg leaving a big bleeding wound

You remove the towel and slowly open your eyes

Lovesick eyes stare back at you, you feel your heart sink as the shock and fear, both of them overtaking you 

It seems like Hiroaki has been sitting there waiting for you to finish

The cabinet begins to shake and it begins to topple, its destination to the deep water below crushing you on impact, you close your eyes as you feel the fall begin before feeling a strong hand grip your arm. A loud crash is heard as the cabinet topples over you stare at his eyes as he smiles too happily as he holds you

He hoists you up and into his bloody clothes

You look up to see his eyes staring at you " well well well, I have a visitor" the door barges open a maid staring shocked at the sight before her. She steps inside, glass crushing under her feet he gasps at you, And the prince

" what are you staring at, clean this up!"

You flinch at his yelling and his arms

The glass shards dug into your arm

" he smiles before lifting you and carrying you down from the roof, you were stuck

You contemplated if he was right in the head and understood the situation, even if he didn't word would eventually reach the kid, and you'd likely get a weak punishment but you weren't so sure about everyone else in the ordeal especially Hiroaki, since he more involved being around when you tried to leave

You felt a pang of guilt as he tends to your wounds the best he could, but the guilt slowly left as you remembered what he's done to you and many others in the past

He carries you to the dungeon before dropping you in there, locking the door and leaving

You sigh looking at the inflamed covered wound, this would affect you later

You climb towards your bed and get in, decided to rest even dirty it's best not to do much after the stunt you pulled. You slept for about 4 hours waking up to the sound of sobbing, it was the queen you look over to see her makeup be ruined by a couple of bruises and many tears, " why won't you leave.." her hair was in shambles

You crawl out of your bed and towards her like a child living in the wild

" help me " you rarely spoke, not even to the maids so your response shocked her even more, you look at her your eyes leaking with desperation and hope. She nods understanding your eyes, the eyes she gave many times to be recognized by her kids and husbands

The one who wants attention and the one who has too much

Both very unhappy

" I will" you slid your hands through the bar grabbing her hand and spelling out in her palm "when will you help me leave", though you doubt anyone is awake it's still better to be safe than regretful, she grabs your hand as you finish and looks into your palm, she begins spelling slowly "15 weeks" "from" "now" you look at her face and wonder why she doesn't even look up and continues " wound " "will" "slow" "you" "down" "if" "not" "healed"

You curse to yourself, if only you waited, you could've left earlier than 15 weeks

You both hear footsteps and she quickly gets up running towards the opposite exit, her heels in hand and she carries her dress with the other. You scurry to your bed and ball up

It was a guard, you could tell by the clanking of the suit, over time you learned footsteps of many people

" must be imagining things" you feel his stare on your back as if he questioning you. If he gets in the way you might have to get rid of him, one little complaint to the king and your Scott free he'll believe your word over everyone else's

You rest your eyes once more,

As you rest the queen is thinking of a plan

She sits in her separate bedroom, her doors locked as she doesn't want to Jeopardize the plan, " 15 weeks from now, Lucy will be on business with the neighboring kingdom, the triplets meeting there suggested suitors, but she'll be on top lockdown"

She sits all the rest of her night thinking of an idea, making sure nothing will ruin her happiness ever after, after all her hard work she wouldn't let you ruin the last thing that she can save

Over 10 years she was in love with that man named Lucy, she sat there at the painful wedding when your mother and Lucy got married, it wasn't fair she was by his side thick and thin only to lose to an ugly peasant. She thought after the divorce her life would finally be better especially finding out she was pregnant

But she was only left with sadness with the marriage, especially at the wedding, it wasn't as happy as his first. His smile being practically nonexistent, only appearing to smile when you finally brought to him during the ceremony, you were only a baby and yet you brought him so much more joy than she ever did during those months

You surpassed her

Just like your mom,

The birds chirp as she finally gets a strong idea

" If I can get enough time I'll be able to send her to work at a different kingdom, she'll be untouchable" she gives a relieved smile at her plan, after your gone everything will finally fall in line. 2nd times a charm

She hears a knock at her door and fixes herself and covers up her bruises, she walks out and close to her personal butler " are you ok ms?" She smiles before walking in front " of course, why wouldn't I be"

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