Chapter 9

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Daichi asking you an important question

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Daichi asking you an important question

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It was dead silent in her room, Y/n eyes could hardly Register what was going on. She suddenly woke up when the pain in her leg ached, her leg was inflamed and her body could do nothing to soothe it. Outside her room laid dozens of nurses and two doctors and one very unhappy king.

Lucy yelled for hours calling the nurses "incompetent bumbling idiots" and how they were "half-witted"and "thick skulled". The doctors couldn't say much as they were—luckily spared from his spitfire, some nurses cried while other remained poker-faced. The doctors tho spared from Lucy, couldn't escape his bastard children neither as a patient nor a boss, if looks could kill—the doctors thought, they'd be on the platter ready to be served like a Cochon de Lait. Y/n couldn't make out the yelling, All she could recognized was that scumbag of a man voice, his words were muddled and hardly comprehendible from her end.

Y/n's looks down at her arm, before resting her head back on bloody flat pillow " I—can move" she twitches her hands before wiggle her toes. Suddenly an object drops from the corner of the room, y/n recognized the toxic sickly perfume and slowly closed her eyes. Daichi slowly moves to her side, his eyes lit up with such a color—piercing red like a pure ruby, they were beautiful to most women having the ability to swoon women young and old. But for y/n, all they did was aggravate her, the only women he cared for

The only one he needed

The women he

Y/n felt the hairs on her neck stand as a hand similar to porcelain caress her rough cheek, " you look beautiful dear" .

She felt sick feeling his touch, he disgusted her they all did. Their pale veined skin there sickly sent any sight of them made her enraged maybe enough to even hurt them at times, Daichi pats the girls head he gives her sweet smile, it was off the smile was demented it held emotions that even y/n couldn't decipher. He laughs looking straight ahead at her opened windows, slowly his red eyes looks slowly down at Y/n's stiff emotionless face " today your coming home."

His voice being deeper than it was before, y/n looked into his eyes, she didn't feel fear as she knew nothing would come to harm of her especially from him. His pupils resembled of a cats, they were expanding and dilating every second his pupils shook with every second of the transformation

"He's not well, anymore." y/n thought, she lacked any fear of what could be next she only prepared for it. his pupils began to rapidly move back and forth

Daichi seemed to not notice this and smile crept onto his blank face, all he could see was the muse of his life looking into his hideous undeserving eyes. His pupils stopped widening—they were normal again "you gave me quite the scare my love, certainly you frightened me I can admit, how's your leg my love" y/n mustered up her best voice one lacking hostility and anger." it's—fine." She said, her voice was so hoarse y/n nearly coughed she felt as if she was swallowing sand paper. "Good good. I will tell father your ready to go"

Y/n kept silent she didn't feel the need to respond, she merely moves her eyes from his looking blankly at thundering skies. " my precious y/n" his hands slowly traveling to her bruised neck, y/n began struggling to breath as his grip tightened " you almost died my love" his eyes held no emotion not even a bit of sorrow "what is wrong with him?". Mentally Daichi wasn't aware what he was doing All that was running through his mind was Y/n

How he loved her, how he'd kill for her

He couldn't understand what he was doing was wrong, he wasn't—mentally well, none of them were. " I don't want to lose you Charlotte" y/n felt her eyes drip tears, they were red and but still. Her eyes lacked fear but due to her humans emotions, she couldn't help but glisten a flash of fear—Daichi catches the second of fear and quickly leans into Y/n's face.

" I won't lose you"

The carriage was beautiful, it was a dark black with the seats being a crimson red

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The carriage was beautiful, it was a dark black with the seats being a crimson red. The horse leading them being a deep shade of black also, It was giant staggering at 8ft tall " ms Charlotte do you need assistance"

A soft voice mumbles to her , the women's red hair softly touching y/n. She could feel it this time "yes." She said beads of sweat falling off her head, she could hardly deny help, she could barely stand on her own always needing someone to lean on every attempt of being independent ended with her clutching her amputated leg in agony.

She hated it, how she could barely fiction anymore, any attempts of her just trying to be well off on her own never ended well. She always either got exhausted from the pain or trying to stand for more than 4 minutes, it was infuriating—especially with the way they looked at her they had a look in there eyes she couldn't quite catch

It made her for the first time in years deeply uncomfortable and unsure, she wasn't afraid of them they were harmless to her, but she could see this new found weakness affected them immensely. They clung to her as if they were her caretakers

They were passing there usual affection limit and it was horrible for y/n. As the women goes to softly grab y/n's hand, she was quickly denied with the smack of a hand from Mei " don't touch her you filthy wench" she merely nods before bowing, holding her dress as she does.

"Very well, madam Charlotte I hope your condition improves"

Y/n doesn't turn back simply to focused on breathing and resting to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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