Chapter 8

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Y/n's eyes open abruptly, she gives a fragile breath gasping for any air she can catch. Her lungs at that moment were near their breaking point. Y/n musters up her strength, trying to speak to the blurs surrounding her, sadly she couldn't utter a word. suddenly a familiar voice hollers, though y/n was hardly aware of anything. She could still understand a few words uttered from the mouth of the familiar voice. "King Lucy"  y/n gives her last hoarse sounding breath, before passing out once more.

King lucy gapes at his daughter's resting body, shaking when he sees her breath fall slowly." HELP HER YOU, IMBECILES" the nurses suddenly flinch from their frozen spots they hurry to y/n's cold side, Lucy begins to hyperventilate, he feels the world around him spin. " Father! What's going on-" Hiroaki came running in to see the commotion he freezes once he sees what's going on. " C-charlotte" Mei and Daichi soon came tumbling in, but the sight of what they saw stopped them dead in their tracks. There laid their y/n cold, weak, she looked so tired it broke their hearts into 2

Well whatever kept them alive

They could not mutter a word only, a tiny shriveled yelp of what maybe might be fear? There knees shake and their hands tremble. Y/n could only hear sounds of shuffling her mind hardly being able to differentiate sounds, everything sounded like clutter—her mind remained foggy, it was like static, her eyes remaining shut as her heart began to fail.

She only felt hands grazing her, y/n couldn't feel much—as if she was frozen or more or less in trance. She felt her body softly jolt her bloody dried hands being held by a man who could only be seen in a blur, he moved in quick moves that she couldn't register, Y/n couldn't make out a thing. The nurses begin to panic, they couldn't do much to save her

They knew, They knew with the death of her came the death of others, thousands, Millions, women and children young and old they were all doomed if they couldn't save her. A young woman with red hair stares at the barely living girl, her breath hitches at the thought of what's coming next—she could declare herself dead when this is over their over. Suddenly the girl grabs a syringe filled with worrying things and sticks it into the almost lifeless girl.

Y/n eyes open, they were bloodshot—her pupils dilated looking into the bright lights above her. The girl breathing begins to pick up

She could barely let out a strong breath, her eyes scanned the room before looking painfully into king Lucys red dilated eyes. She mumbles something underneath her breath, Lucy couldn't register it neither could his kids as they were quickly ushered by the nurses to leave the room.


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I open my eyes, my head pounds as I try to figure out what's going on, my eyes jump from object to object in the room "a medical kit", the hints suddenly click and I let out a sigh of exasperation. The pain in my leg wasn't there or I wasn't feeling much my body felt numb, the blankets felt like air—my hands couldn't move but two things I could move was my eyes and mouth but I could hardly speak.

My words only came out as coughs, the room was a mess it looked rummaged through, pills were scattered across the floor. Bloody napkins laid everywhere, some having blood seeping from them dripping onto the dusty floor. "It smells of metal" I'm alone, my body was paralyzed, whatever they gave me was very strong was all I could think about in my head. The door slowly opens, the sound of flats tap against the tile floor as they get closer towards my bed

"She's unfamiliar " I move my watery bloodshot eyes to the right trying to see who's on the right of me, a woman with a tiny frame sits staring over me she seemed slightly older. Her red hair grazes my skin, I can't feel it— suddenly the women starts talking, her voice sounds unsettling.

" Hello." I can't react much my fingers couldn't move, neither could my toes. My chest shakily goes down my body could barely have a strong breath with shaking, I begin parting my lips but the only thing that could escape was a loud breath, my lips were cracked they didn't hurt. as I tried to speak my tongue remained paralyzed, I felt so gone—the women stares at me realizing my problem

" I see the medication did the opposite of what it was supposed to do" she grabs a dab water on a napkin. She slowly moves them across my lips, I couldn't feel it, my skin and sensors seem to be gone all I had left was hearing and sight my eyes dropping tears as I blinked. I was crying apparently but unwillingly my body wasn't mine as it seems, as of now—the women moves her slender hands wiping my tears and dried blood remaining on my face .

" I mustn't stay to long, I wanted to check on you before the king" she stands squinting at my still eyes, I wonder if she's the one who caused this. She grabs the water and I part my lips, she slowly pours the water, wiping some water that fell down my chin " I will be back at midnight to help bathe you" she moves my hair behind my ear, before bowing and heading out " rest well ms Charlotte"

I look back to the ceiling waiting to hear the click of the door closing, when I finally closed my eyes the door finally shut. I open my eyes one last time staring out the window the skies being gray it was nearly night as the wind begins to blow. I fall asleep to the sound of rain.

Author's note

YALL IM SO SORRY, I did not mean to just go ghost and never come back I promise you will get another chapter in this month and I'll be more active and be rewriting this summer, I wrote this a long time ago I will be finishing this story I promise y'all don't give up on me yet
Love you guys<33

-L author

Love from FL<33

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Love from FL<33

Obsessed: royal family x reader [ BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now