34. Love

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34. Love

"All that's left on the schedule is dinner and debriefing, right?" Nao asked, taking a sip of the suspiciously blue and carbonated drink on his table as he typed.

Looking on their itinerary, he frowned at the extra (scribbled) added event.

Test of courage? Oh you've got to be kidding.

And yet again, something more he'll have to add to the trip report. Just great. That, and Nao had to write two-- one omitting all notes of Korosensei for school records, and the other containing the true course of events which will also be CC'ed to the government.

"Will you be joining us, Kunomasu-sensei?" Korosensei chirped up at the side, green and pink and dressed in all sort of ancient-looking clothing, bundles of paper in his arms.

"Absolutely not." Seriously, Korosensei was easier to handle when he was the size of a handball. Nao set down his drink and turned back to his work. "I have two reports due the end of our trip, so I've got no time to rest."

"Awh," Korosensei deflated.

Nao felt the incredible urge to remind this absolute bottlecap of an Octopus that, as acting homeroom teacher (because Nao was just the homeroom in name,) the school trip records are to be done by him and not Nao.

(Or a student, usually, but Class E is not trusted with the school's official records, so the teachers have to do it. Life is hard for both teacher and student in the End hierarchy, and Nao really hated it sometimes.)

"Just come back and tell me when you've had your fun," Nao told him.

"Roger that," Korosensei saluted. Then with a whistle of wind, a box of pocky materialized on the table, his drink refilled and furnished with a parasol and a new heart-shaped bendy straw. "Here are some refreshments as well."

Nao managed an exasperated, "you cannot be serious about using these for your test of courage," he managed, holding up the very specifically strawberry-flavoured pocky. "Our students aren't idiots, you know."

Korosensei giggled.

"All is fine as long as we all have fun, right?"

Nao chortled at that. Things like these were what made Korosensei such a hard guy to hate, honestly.

"In conclusion, it was an utterly embarrassing disaster," he typed. "Just like the Unidentified Mysterious Octopus himself and everything he objectively stands for."

"It hasn't happened yet! Don't write that, HEY!"


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