24. Avert

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24. Avert



To: Asano-san

From: Me

He brought sweets up the mountain
And he's not giving me any! Σ(°ロ°)

(╥﹏╥) pls fire him hes mean 2 me

Naomasa watched the scene outside, sipping on his cold glass of coffee. Takaoka was leading the class in some old-fashioned chant, and the class was giving him a quiet but warm response.

He turned back to his phone.

To: Asano-san

From: Me

Working on tests... __φ(..)

He deleted my classes
Is dat legal ( ºΔº )〣

"What are you doing?" Karasuma gave him a judgemental look. A single glance at the screen full of kaomoji and unreplied texts was enough of a weird sign, "what are you, a high school girl? Send a more professional text... isn't that the principal?"

A beat of silence.

Naomasa looked at Karasuma, blank-faced, and took another sip.

"Are you suicidal?" Karasuma asked, entirely serious.

Naomasa resumed his typing. In the calmest tone he could muster, he told the other teacher, "Asano-san wanted me to text him every alternate hour about Takaoka. I'm just doing exactly what he told me to do."

"You're unexpectedly petty about things, aren't you... wait, Takaoka?" Karasuma pinched the bridge of his nose, then perked up in surprise, "...why?"

Naomasa put the phone down, and taps a pencil against the paper on the desk. He shrugged, "hell if I know," he dismissed, "but one thing, Karasuma-san-- Asano-san doesn't like being ordered around about things. So maybe he's not too happy about needing to instate a suspicious new teacher this late into the semester."

Karasuma raised an eyebrow at that.

"He's had to deal with that from the start of the year," Naomasa laughed, almost helplessly, "I think he's getting annoyed, y'know? I mean, I was probably sent up here to be a spy for him to begin with, so he's kinda just making use of me-- ah, he responded."

He bolted out of his seat.

"AHhh, the traitor!" Naomasa whined at Karasuma, "he's the one that gave Takaoka permission to alter the schedule"

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