chapter 15

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the next few weeks were miserable.
well for noah anyways.
for miley,they weren't bad. just not what she wanted to be doing. but at this point,anything to prove her point to noah,right?

she spends all her time with jake.
she goes to parties with him,he drives her to and from school,they hang out whenever they're not in school.

even miley knew she was taking it way too far. she could see the hurt in noah's face anytime she looked at him. which was rare. she tried to avoid him at all costs.

that didn't always work. i mean they were living in the same house,bedrooms across the hall from eachother,same school.

this whole "not talking" thing was getting old. hell,it got old the first day. but what can you do?

friday night 8pm

noah was never the type of boy you could look at as a "momma's boy". he loved his mom. and she loved him. they were close. but never super close. but who else was noah gonna talk to? lee? elle? yeah right. in noah's eyes they are the whole reason this whole feud between him and miley happened. she was working their kissing booth. and they made her do it. he wasn't going to talk to his dad. he wouldn't get it. everyone in the house knew what was going on between noah and miley. they didn't know the full story. but they knew the two of them were in a feud. or is it even a fued anymore? or the end of the best friendship in history? regardless,it was uncomfortable for everyone to be around.. but no one said anything. because in their heads they kept thinking"it's miley and noah. they're best friends. they're gonna work this out." but was that even true now? they never fought with eachother. never mind this bad. were they even gonna make it through? it's been a month now. and miley and noah haven't talked. noah is a lot of things but he's not stupid. and he knew if this didn't get fixed sooner than later there was gonna he hell to pay. so what was he going to do? ask his mother for advice. which he hasn't done since fourth grade when he wanted to know how to make a girl like him, the good old days. where he didn't play every single girl he thought was hot. that's besides the point though. i mean people change right? just like that sweet girl who idolized noah and every thing he did,who changed into a sassy girl who could give two fucks what noah was doing. well she cared. she never is gonna stop caring about him. but right now she was being your average 15 year old girl who needed to prove her point. but what point exactly? that she doesn't need noah's control? that she can do what she wants? or that she doesn't need noah ever? she does need him. not that she'll admit it, at least right now.

noah made his way down the stairs and saw his mom cutting up fruit.

(in the movie they never said her name. she was just referred to as "mrs.flynn" so for the story pretend her name is alice)

noah-hey mom
he said in the sweet voice he rarely uses
alice-hey noah,what's up

noah looked at her. his eyes were just so sad. they've been like that ever since miley cut him off.
before he even said anything she looked at him

"honey,i know this hurts right now. but miley is gonna come around. you have to remember she's a teenager. she's a 15 year old girl trying to find herself and trust me when i say this-

she picked up his hands and held them

...she is no where near finding out who she is yet. she's lost in her own world right now. she may think that avoiding you and "hating" you just to get her point across is the right way to go about things. and as much as it sucks right now noah,i know miley. this is not her. she's a sweet girl. who loves you. and yeah i know,she's not acting like that right now. but she's a teenager. she'll get over this noah. she loves you"

a tear dropped from noah's sad eyes

yes a tear. noah flynn just dropped a tear. the heartless jock with no feelings just dropped a tear. he hasn't cried since he was 4. he just doesn't cry. dropping one little tear may be normal for some people. or weird for some people cause why just one tear? that's it? i cry a while river when i'm sad. but this was a lot coming from noah. he cared about miley. and yeah he fucked up by grabbing her wrist and embarrassing her. but to go a whole month with out talking? her doing everything in her power to ruin things between them? he did not deserve it.

he looked up at his mom
she moved his hair out of his eyes and wiped his tear that was mid way down his cheek

"oh honey"
she hugged him
"it's gonna be okay"

he shrugged
"i just want her to come home and hug me."

"i know honey"
she rubbed his back.

he ended the hug and rubbed the back of his neck

noah-one of the football guys is having a party tonight. can i go?
alice-you know my rules mr
noah smiled- "love you mom"
she smiled "i love you more"
he grabbed his keys off the table and got in his car and left

he got there and slammed his car door shut and walked in the house
he was saying hi to everyone
he was standing in the kitchen talking to one of his friends
he turned and looked in the living room
and there she was. sitting on jakes lap making out with him
he grabbed a bottle of vodka and poured in into a cup and chugged it
he threw the cup down
and walked to miley
"yeah that's real classy miley"
she turned her head and jake continued to kiss her neck
"noah go away"

he whipped himself around
she smiled at went back to kissing jake

he walked into the kitchen and found a hot blonde girl with her eyes all over him
he went up to her and she immediately started kissing him
he didn't stop her
he made out with her but kept looking at miley

eventually she got off of jakes lap and went to the kitchen with him
he poured her a drink
she drank it
noah-really miley? you drink now
she rolled her eyes
miley-suck my dick
he threw his 2nd cup down
the girl he was making out with whispered in his ear
"you seem a little tense,let me fix that"
he smirked
and they walked to a room in the house
and you can probably guess what they did

when they finished he walked out of the room buttoning his jeans up with a smirk on his face

"rEal clAsSy"
miley mocked him
he looked at her and looked back
he grabbed his keys out of his pocket and left making sure to slam the door on his way out.

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