Chapter 4: A Doll for Anagail

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Chapter 4:

Mira's POV

Ugh! There they go arguing again. I swear I have never seen two people argue as much as Lulu and Rupert. This time, Lulu was fussing at him for propping his feet on a table that she had just cleaned. Seriously, it wasn't that big a deal, but with them, the tiniest things get all out of proportion. I looked at them and sighed then continued with what I was doing.

I went out through the back door to the garden with a basket in my hand and walked over to where the tomatoes were. I picked only the brightest red tomatoes, just like Hazelle had taught me. She has taught me how to do so much. She has even helped me with my fighting, teaching me how to use my sword and sparring with me. And I could talk to her about stuff. It's not that I can't talk to Rena and Lulu, they're my sisters and we could talk about anything. But, it is nice to have somebody else that I can talk to and trust.

"Hello, Delmira," I heard a gentle voice call out to me. I turned around to see who it was. "Mrs. Wellington, hi," I responded when I saw the beautiful woman standing there in front of me. She had long, strawberry blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. I looked down to see Anagail carrying a sunflower that was almost as big as she was. "Wow Anagail, that flower is beautiful. Did you pick it yourself?" I asked her with a smile. She looked up at me sweetly and nodded. "I did, with the help of my mommy," she replied happily as she hugged her mom's leg with her free hand.

"Delmira, those tomatoes look delicious," Mrs. Wellington said with a radiant smile, "Would you please make three tomato sandwiches and bring some iced tea to the patio," she requested kindly. I smiled and slightly bowed my head to her, "Yes ma'am," I replied before turning around and leaving the garden.

When I walked back into the mansion, they were still arguing. Lulu just doesn't know when to give up. I thought to myself with a sigh. I shook my head and continued to find my way to the kitchen. I sat the basket down on the counter and washed some of the tomatoes before slicing them up. Ow! I had managed to cut my finger while slicing. These knives are much sharper than the ones at home.

I looked up from my now bloody finger and saw Edan leaning against the counter. She stared at me with an empty gaze, her face expressionless. How long had she been standing there? For a split second, I thought I saw a slight grin on her lips. I looked away for a moment to wrap my finger with a paper towel, and then when I looked up she was gone. What's with her? I thought to myself then shook my head. I rinsed my finger in the sink and continued fixing the sandwiches as I was asked.

I grabbed a tray, a pitcher, and three glasses out of the cabinets. I placed the sandwiches and glasses neatly on the tray, followed by the pitcher that was now filled with ice and tea and carried it out to the patio.

"I apologize for taking so long," I said to Mrs. Wellington as I sat the tray on the table and tried to hide my cut finger. "No worries," she replied, "have a seat." Huh? She wants me to sit down and have lunch with her? I must have had a confused look on my face. "You picked the fruit, you deserve to take a break and enjoy what you have done," she explained. "O-oh... ok then," I said as I set a plate in front of Anagail, her mother, then myself and poured us each a glass of iced tea.

"So, what happened to your hand, Delmira," she asked me before taking a sip of her tea. How'd she notice? I thought to myself. I thought I did a pretty good job at hiding it but, I guess not. "I can tell that you are trying to hide it," she said caringly. I looked down at my finger in my lap then back at her. "I...uh...I kind of cut it on a knife earlier," I explained timidly. She flashed me a smile as she sat her glass down on the table.

"This sandwich is really good, Mira," Anagail said sweetly. "I'm glad you like it, Anagail," I replied with a smile. Lunch with Anagail and her mother was pleasant. Mrs. Wellington is such a kind woman and Angail is too cute. "I should get back to work," I said after we had finished our lunch. I stood up and gathered the dishes onto the tray and carried them back to the kitchen.

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