Chapter 5: Dreams

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Chapter 5:

Rena's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself completely surrounded by darkness. I was in that world again. The same one as last night. I saw a faint glow and followed it, hoping it would bring me into light. This darkness was cold and depressing. When I got closer to the glow, I saw that it was a young boy. He appeared to be about twelve years old. Looking in his eyes was like looking at the sea. They were as blue as a clear sky and somehow as deep as the ocean. He had blonde hair with bangs parted in the center and he wore white clothes. The glow I saw was coming from him.

"Wh...who are you," I asked the young boy in front of me. He didn't answer me; he just looked at me with his deep blue eyes. There was something about him; he seemed...incomplete. It was like there was something missing. It wasn't any physical features. No. It was something else... but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Suddenly, I saw a pair of glowing, red eyes behind him. Except for the color, they seemed completely identical to his. "Verena..." I heard the young boy say softly as he reached out his hand to me. Before I was able to reach his hand, a pair of arms wrapped around him and he was gone. The next thing I knew, I was being ripped from this world. My emotions were mixed about it though. This world was cold, dark, and depressing; so leaving it was a relief. However, that boy... I wanted to know felt like I needed to know more about him.

"Rena! Rena!" I heard a voice calling to me. "Wake up, Rena!" I opened my eyes and gasped at the same time. I could see Mira and Lulu standing over me. Judging by the brightness of the room, I knew I was in one of the nurses' office.

"Oh good, you're awake now," Ella said happily. She was another one of the nurses. I didn't really know her, just knew who she was. I've walked past her a couple of times in the halls and said 'Hello', but that's about it. She had long black hair and brown eyes. Her uniform was white with a red cross where her heart was. She wore thigh high, white stockings and red heels.

Wait a sec! Why am I here? I thought to myself. "Um...what happened?" I finally asked. Mira and Lulu gave me a dumbfounded look when I asked. Kind of like they were a bit shocked that I had asked. But seriously......what happened to me. "You just fainted all of a sudden," Lulu answered. "Yeah, and Larson caught you and brought you here. Then he let us know what happened," Mira said.

Wow. That's a bit unlike Larson. I thought to myself. Mira, Lulu, and I have only been here a little over a week and I didn't really know much about most of the other maids and butlers, but one thing that I did know was that Larson was not one to actually do any work. He spent most of his time on the couch. He wore a blue vest over a long sleeved, white shirt. He had lethargic-looking, green eyes, and his shaggy hair was a light brownish-red color.

I sat up and put my feet on the floor. I felt a little light headed, but other than that, I felt fine. I got up off the cot that I was laying down on and was ready to leave when Ella stopped me. "You really shouldn't leave until we find out why you fainted so suddenly," she instructed. I turned to her and smiled. " was probably from me not getting enough sleep last night," I said. "I...I hardly slept at all."

Last night I had almost the same exact dream, only this time the little boy was in it. But, it felt all too real. It didn't seem like a dream. There was so much I wanted to know about the dream, and I knew just who to ask.

"Well, I suppose you may go if you're felling alright," Ella said optimistically, "but if you feel tired, you should come back and rest. Ok." "Ok," I replied with a smile as I left the room to find Chandra. Chandra was an Indonesian girl, a little bit younger than me. She had white hair and dark tan skin. Her dark brown eyes looked red. What was unique about her though was that she was psychic....or at least that's what I've heard from some of the other maids.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2013 ⏰

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