「 Chapter 12 」

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Madeline froze in place, her eyes wide, as Matthew gently moved his lips against hers. Her headache disappeared right away, replaced by euphoric sensations all across her mind. Her entire body tingled with the intensity of the feeling. She wasn't kissing back at all; her senses had gone numb, she couldn't even breathe.

He could hear her heart thundering in her chest, and realized she had stopped breathing. Although he didn't want to, he finally pulled away from the kiss, letting her get some air.

A myriad of emotions soared through her head; joy, love, shock, fear, confusion, and... Resentment.

"Stop messing with me like this!" She tried to push him away, but her strength could not even budge him. His brows furrowed in bemusement when he saw tears welling up in her eyes.

"Why are you upset? I thought you liked me."

"You keep being so romantic, it's only making my feelings stronger even though you'll never like me back. It's so mean. And you just stole my first kiss."

"Your first? Well, I'm glad I took my mate's first kiss." His words only heightened her confusion.


"Your... Mate?"

"Yes. My mate."

It took a moment for her to understand.

"But... How can I be your mate?" She whispered, lowering her head. "I'm a human. Humans and werewolves can't be mates." Slowly, he reached for her face and tipped her chin up, forcing their eyes to meet. Though his expression was inscrutable, there was a perceptible fondness in his eyes whenever he looked at her.

"Who said I was a werewolf?"

"... Huh? You're really confusing me."

He sighed, taking his hand away from her face. "I'm a direwolf. We're different from werewolves; we have human mates, and you are mine."

They stared at each other for what felt like eternity, before Madeline crossed her arms and looked to side, seemingly angry.

"Why didn't you tell me that sooner? I felt so embarrassed for liking you, I thought you were going to think I was weird and never speak to me again."

Matthew chuckled, amused by her dramatic ways. He took both of her hands in his, pulling her closer.

"I apologize. Not many people know you are my mate, or that I'm not a werewolf. But, I guess I can't keep these things a secret anymore. Anyway, I should get going now." He tried to get up, but Madeline did not let go of his hands.

"Really? You're always so busy, can we please spend a day together?"

He thought about her request for a second. It was true that during their many weeks living together, he hadn't yet spent a proper day with her. One day off of work wouldn't do any harm.

"Alright, you can come with me today."


"Where are we going?" Madeline asked, holding onto his arm. The two were walking through a dense forest, not far from his house. She looked up at the trees, admiring the beautiful red and orange hues of the leaves. Autumn had always been the prettiest season, in her opinion.

Her eyes fixated on the trees above, she did not see the large dead log right at her feet. With a squeal, she almost went crashing down, if it weren't for Matthew's strong arms catching her.

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