「 Chapter 13 」

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"Just kill us already, you monster."

Matthew's lips curved into a smirk, while he slowly paced around his victims. "But that wouldn't be any fun for me, would it?"

"You're horrible. This is why direwolves must be eradicated and-" He was interrupted by a loud crack. A howl of pain echoed through the room as Matthew pulled back the whip.

The Alpha felt a rush of pleasure at their cries. He knew it was sadistic, but torturing his captives filled him with unbearable satisfaction. All of his confined emotions were taken out on them; it was a thrilling experience for him.

"I'm horrible? Yet you are the ones who had my entire family killed." Rage flowed through his body like lava as he remembered what happened to his kin.

"Direwolves are demons. They all deserved to die, and you'll be next-" Crack.

"I suffer every single day because of you," Crack. "This pain you're feeling," Crack. "Is nothing," Crack. "Compared to what you've put me through." Crack.

The men wailed as the whip mercilessly crashed down on their bare skin. His bloodlust had gone out of control. Torturing them was not enough, he wanted to kill. With a low growl, he tossed the whip to the side.

"One of you will get lucky today. I'll put an end to your suffering. But which one will it be?" His dark eyes examined them throughly, his face unable to control the smile from the thought of killing one of them. "Which one of you murdered my sister?" His attention turned to the tools sitting out on the table. He could sense the men's blood running cold, exciting him even more.

"That was years ago-"

"I asked, which one of you murdered my sister?"


After a moment of eerie silence, one man dared to speak up. "It was me."

"And you burned her alive, yes?"


Matthew grabbed a chained collar and approached the werewolf, now trembling in fear. "Very well, tonight, you will die the same way."

"P-please don't. I'm sorry, I was only doing what I was told-"

"Shut up. I'm being lenient by giving you the easy way out. I could've tortured you for the rest of your pathetic life, but I think you deserve a taste of your own medicine."

Ignoring his cries for mercy, the Alpha dragged him from the basement and out the back door, worried that his mate would catch him if he left from the front. He assumed she was sleeping by now, as it was past midnight, but he did not want to take any chances.


Madeline glanced at the clock on the wall, unable to fall asleep. 12:41 am. Matthew had informed her he would come to bed late, but she expected him to be back by now. She found it hard to sleep without him.

Sighing, she got up and walked to the window, staring out into the night. The forest could be seen from the bedroom. Its trees were almost bare, stripped by the brisk autumnal weather. Among the shadows, Madeline saw a trace of white, and smile instantly found its way on her face.

It was the cat from a few days earlier. The creature was just at the entrance of the woods; it wouldn't take for her to run over and bring it back.

"Don't do it. Matthew would get upset if you left the house this late, especially if you brought that cat here," She told herself. "But... If you're quick enough, maybe he won't find out."

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